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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The unhealthy health foods

September 6, 2008

Written by Rachelle Klemme “I’m finally cultured!” I announced to my friends, the urban sophisticates, in our Minnesota junior college. “I attended my first poetry reading and…I now know what pesto is!” Never mind that my first taste was in the processed sandwich...

AS kicks the year off with a splash (video)

The Splash! water park filled with students Friday afternoon for the AS Splash! Event to enjoy fun, food, and water with friends.
September 6, 2008

The “lazy river” turned into an active river last night at the Associated Students (AS) kick-off event at Splash! water park as Biola students reverted back to their childhood mentalities and let the inner kid shine through while they attacked whatever inner tube got in their way. The...

Horton Defeats Hope In Nationball Competition

A spirited freshman from Horton takes to the court to defeat Hope and crumble their lasting legacy of victory.
September 5, 2008

The annual dorm nationball battle ensued yet again Thursday night, filling Chase Gymnasium with endless colors of dorm spirit. The confident Hope, drenched in pink, returned to the brutal games to defend their undefeated title as dorm champion. What followed was a merciless, violent, and comical display...

Chapel makeup pile-ups may end for good

Tuesday, Sept. 2 was the final day to turn in last semester's chapel make-ups. Students lined up outside of Student Services, forms in hand, to get their chapel credits.
September 4, 2008

By Brittany McComb The large lines and crowds during chapel seem to belie the real truth of chapel culture on campus — that is, that students just aren’t getting them done. Hundreds of students formed a very different kind of line outside of Student Services on Tuesday, the last day to turn...

Biola students join the Angels

September 1, 2008

The bleachers of Angel Stadium were a familiar shade of red last Friday night, but the faces filling the seats were far from everyday fans. Nearly 600 Biola students and alumni came out for the game in an SOS event, and made their presence known in celebration of their first week of school at Biola....

Fall convocation kicks off a new school year

August 27, 2008

With a call to be “champions of a Biblical worldview,” President Barry Corey introduced the new school year on Wednesday, Aug. 25 during the Fall 2008 Convocation in front of a packed audience in Chase Gymnasium. Hundreds of students were still flooding into the gym even as the event began; many...

Freshman class bigger than ever

Parents and students gather for the first time in Chase Gymnasium for an official Biola welcome given by the admissions staff, SOS directors, and President Corey.
August 26, 2008

This year's freshman class will once again top the previous year's as Biola's largest ever, according to André Stephens, director of undergraduate admission. Some 859 potential freshmen have submitted their deposits, though Stephens said that number will likely taper off slightly since he expects...

New Student Orientation Begins

Friday, Aug. 22 marked the beginning of new student orientation week at Biola, hosting the largest incoming freshman class in Biola's history. SOS events will begin on Saturday morning and continue on throughout the week.
August 21, 2008

The long summer months are over and Biola is once again host to a new crowd of anxious and excited new students. Friday was filled with unloading cars, rearranging furniture, fellowship with new friends, and many promises for a great school year ahead. President Corey gathered the students in Chase...

Virtual world is fallen, too

An avatar flies across the computer screen while the user heads to another location within Second Life.
Virtual world is fallen, too "Second Life" computer game can be dark, addicting
July 3, 2008

Originally published Oct. 13, 2007. Imagine yourself lying on a beach on your own private island, holding an iced beverage in your hand, your dream house off in the distance amongst the green rolling hills behind you. Suddenly you realize it’s three o’clock. You’re late for class. With seconds...

Spanish services spice up chapel schedule

A door in Baja California, Mexico welcomes visitors. Students can get a multicultural experience without leaving campus during Thursday's Spanish chapel.
Thursday option allows students to practice language through praise
June 15, 2008

Originally published Oct. 10, 2007. The standard chapel format looks a little different in Mayers Auditorium this morning. Sure, the music starts up, the students begin to sing and the praise team belts out a heartfelt praise chorus. Then a few students gather at the front to read some Bible...

The Facebook phenomenon

As the social networking site eclipses its rival MySpace, students weigh its pros and cons
June 15, 2008

Originally published Oct. 18, 2007. “You know you go to Biola when … you hear there's a Biola party, and you automatically assume it includes a Disney movie and popcorn,” or when “you go on a coffee date at Common Grounds and everyone assumes you're getting married,” or even when all this...

For new ministry, chosen people are chosen mission

Freshman Samuel Rood, a co-leader of Jewish ministries, speaks at the Bible study.
June 4, 2008

Originally published Oct. 3, 2007 The hospitals had turned her away, the medications were hardly helping the pain, and death itself seemed to be promptly approaching. What had begun as a three-week missions trip to Las Vegas, soon turned into pivotal experience altered sophomore Karen Myer’s...