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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Test Twitter Roundup

January 1, 2012

Elementary schools pratice more emergency drills than Biola

Compared to elementary schools, colleges participate in fewer disaster drills, leaving students to seek information for themselves.
December 13, 2011
Compared to elementary schools, colleges participate in fewer disaster drills, leaving students to seek information for themselves.

Zoning for homeless shelter creates tension in La Habra

La Habra residents respond to new zoning plans for homeless shelters.
Elizabeth Mak, Writer December 13, 2011
La Habra residents respond to new zoning plans for homeless shelters.

Alternative chapels help students complete chapel requirement

Alternative chapels offer students more opportunities to attend 30 chapels and complete the chapel requirement.
Julia Henning, Writer December 8, 2011
Alternative chapels offer students more opportunities to attend 30 chapels and complete the chapel requirement.

Departments move into Talbot East and Rancho Elementary

Because of the opening of the new Talbot building, departments will be shifting and moving their way around campus and to the new off-site location. Professors will be able to move into the new offices this Monday, Dec. 12, 2011. | Lauren Kermelis/THE CHIMES
Programs will begin relocating to the new Talbot building and Rancho Elementary properties starting finals week.
Julia Henning, Writer December 7, 2011
Programs will begin relocating to the new Talbot building and Rancho Elementary properties starting finals week.

Alumni giving essential to Biola

Much of the new Talbot building was funded by Biola alumni. Their donations have been an asset to the Biola community. | Jessica Lindner/THE CHIMES
Donations from alumni and friends of the university help fund things like tuition and building projects.
Rebecca Nakashima, Writer December 7, 2011
Donations from alumni and friends of the university help fund things like tuition and building projects.

Center for Christian Thought launches in spring 2012

The new Center for Christian Thought is being built in Upper Rose with expected completion in spring 2012. | Tyler Otte/THE CHIMES
The Center for Christian Thought will launch in spring 2012 and will host a number of professors and visiting scholars.
Christine Chan, Writer December 7, 2011
The Center for Christian Thought will launch in spring 2012 and will host a number of professors and visiting scholars.

AS Senate Rundown: Dec. 6, 2011

AS senators held their last meeting of the semester on Dec. 6 and discussed ideas for the senior gift.
Christine Chan, Writer December 7, 2011
AS senators held their last meeting of the semester on Dec. 6 and discussed ideas for the senior gift.

Bicycle Patrol Program implemented for crime prevention

Campus safety chief John Ojeisekhoba speaks to Dr. Corey during the November 29, 2011 training the new bike patrol team. They will begin patrolling campus in January. | Courtesy of Biola Campus Safety
Campus Safety trains for Bicycle Patrol Program as additional resource for students' protection.
Brittany Cervantes, Writer December 3, 2011
Campus Safety trains for Bicycle Patrol Program as additional resource for students' protection.

Crime drops in areas surrounding Biola

Despite recent thefts, overall crime on the Biola campus and surrounding areas has decreased.
Sheena Boyd, Writer December 3, 2011
Despite recent thefts, overall crime on the Biola campus and surrounding areas has decreased.

Starbucks starts Create Jobs for USA to aid small businesses

Starbucks has begun selling bracelets with the intent of finding jobs for the American unemployed. | Jessica Lindner/THE CHIMES
In an effort to promote job growth, Starbucks launched the Create Jobs for USA program to provide loans to small businesses.
Amber Amaya, Writer December 1, 2011
In an effort to promote job growth, Starbucks launched the Create Jobs for USA program to provide loans to small businesses.

[Updated] Couple arrested in suspected connection with MacBook thefts

[Updated] Couple arrested in suspected connection with MacBook thefts
Campus Safety and the La Mirada Sheriff's Department apprehended and arrested two people suspected to be involved with the recent MacBook thefts. One of the pair was a Biola student.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer November 30, 2011
Campus Safety and the La Mirada Sheriff's Department apprehended and arrested two people suspected to be involved with the recent MacBook thefts. One of the pair was a Biola student.