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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola students awarded for volunteer work

LASD honored Justin Von Konsky and Robert Carlson with appreciation awards for their volunteer work with at-risk teens.
Jackie Grade, Writer April 10, 2013
LASD honored Justin Von Konsky and Robert Carlson with appreciation awards for their volunteer work with at-risk teens.

Forgiveness Awareness Week sees a variety of perspectives

Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES
This year's Forgiveness Awareness Week has speakers from around the country answering the question of why we should forgive.
Lauren Cline, Writer April 9, 2013
This year's Forgiveness Awareness Week has speakers from around the country answering the question of why we should forgive.

Biola students hesitate to accept gun bill

Students respond to the gun bill that will be brought to the Senate.
Anna Frost, Writer April 8, 2013
Students respond to the gun bill that will be brought to the Senate.

Senate bill may reduce public college crowding

screenshot of
Massive online credit courses may become an option for California public schools.
Sarah Seman and Jared Dobbs March 28, 2013
Massive online credit courses may become an option for California public schools.

Man arrested on campus for suspected stolen property

A man was arrested on campus due to possession of a possibly stolen medallion on Wednesday night.
Anna Frost, Writer March 28, 2013
A man was arrested on campus due to possession of a possibly stolen medallion on Wednesday night.

Students involved in on-campus DUI

Students were found driving under the influence in a Lower Campus parking lot.
Anna Frost, Writer March 28, 2013
Students were found driving under the influence in a Lower Campus parking lot.

New ski safety bill results in mixed reactions

Adam Baker [Creative Commons]
California proposes stricter safety laws for ski resorts.
Danielle De Phillips, Writer March 28, 2013
California proposes stricter safety laws for ski resorts.

Study shows benefits of beards as sun protection

Junior Clark Andros | John Buchanan/THE CHIMES
A recent study shows that there might be more benefits to beards besides being trendy.
Rachel Rohm, Writer March 28, 2013
A recent study shows that there might be more benefits to beards besides being trendy.

Campus Safety to address possible issues after false gun report

Campus Safety to address possible issues after false gun report
Campus Safety will be taking steps to further safeguard Biola against possible on-campus shootings after a monopod was mistakenly reported as a gun on Monday night.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer March 26, 2013
Campus Safety will be taking steps to further safeguard Biola against possible on-campus shootings after a monopod was mistakenly reported as a gun on Monday night.

UPDATED: Mistaken reports of gunman cleared within minutes

UPDATED: Mistaken reports of gunman cleared within minutes
Campus Safety has declared campus clear after a student mistakenly reported seeing a gun in Talbot East.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer March 25, 2013
Campus Safety has declared campus clear after a student mistakenly reported seeing a gun in Talbot East.

Outpour better-received than previous Missions Conferences

Chase Gymnasium fills to the brim during Wednesday's afternoon session. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Missions Conference was well-received this year, with only a few small hitches.
Jackie Grade, Writer March 21, 2013
Missions Conference was well-received this year, with only a few small hitches.

Protestants react to election of new pope

Cardinal Jorge M. Bergoglio SJ, (later to become Pope Francis) celebrating mass at the XX Exposición del Libro Católico (20th Catholic Book Fair), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. | Courtesy of Aibdescalzo [Creative Commons]
With the election of the new pope, Protestants are not sure how the Roman Catholic Church applies to them.
Anna Frost, Writer March 21, 2013
With the election of the new pope, Protestants are not sure how the Roman Catholic Church applies to them.