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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Students chime in to music video project

Photo courtesy of Noah Wilson
Under the Bell Tower provides an outlet for students of all majors to participate in roles that could eventually be their jobs.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer May 11, 2016
Under the Bell Tower provides an outlet for students of all majors to participate in roles that could eventually be their jobs.

Hope rises through Japanese ministry

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Students seek to support Japan, a frequently overlooked mission field.
Bethany Higa, Writer May 11, 2016
Students seek to support Japan, a frequently overlooked mission field.

Mug meals in seconds

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Meals like an egg muffin, a pizza and a chocolate brownie easily downsize into a mug in a matter of seconds.
Alexandria Rosales, Writer May 11, 2016
Meals like an egg muffin, a pizza and a chocolate brownie easily downsize into a mug in a matter of seconds.

Off Campus corporations offer occupation

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Student workers appreciate connection-based application processes near Biola
Samantha Gassaway, Writer May 11, 2016
Student workers appreciate connection-based application processes near Biola

Space to endure brokenness together

Biola Broken strives to provide a space for students to acknowledge their brokenness and ways to cope with issues.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer May 10, 2016
Biola Broken strives to provide a space for students to acknowledge their brokenness and ways to cope with issues.

Art students shine through the rubble

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Beauty emerges through a mural in the wake of science building construction.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer May 4, 2016
Beauty emerges through a mural in the wake of science building construction.

Chop’d serves up healthy options for all

Samantha Gassaway/THE CHIMES
A new salad, juice and smoothie bar wedges into the community
Bethany Higa, Writer May 4, 2016
A new salad, juice and smoothie bar wedges into the community

Ambassador for Christ

Photo courtesy of Thomas Castro
As a student ambassador tour guide, student Thomas Castro reflects on his representation of Biola and Christ.
Alexandria Rosales, Writer May 4, 2016
As a student ambassador tour guide, student Thomas Castro reflects on his representation of Biola and Christ.

That time I… found God after I fought a dragon

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Through Dungeons & Dragons, student Joseph Lyons learned more about himself and God.
Joseph Lyons, Writer May 4, 2016
Through Dungeons & Dragons, student Joseph Lyons learned more about himself and God.

Rape Aggression Defense offers empowerment

Female students have learned protection skills through R.A.D. course for thirteen years.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer May 3, 2016
Female students have learned protection skills through R.A.D. course for thirteen years.

Light shed in dark places through poetry

Jehn Kubiak/THE CHIMES
Poetry Workshop slams down sexual violence myths with colorful prose.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer April 27, 2016
Poetry Workshop slams down sexual violence myths with colorful prose.

“Antigone” skillfully asks difficult questions

Torrey Theatre’s spring production performs tragedy in a unique way.
Bethany Higa, Writer April 27, 2016
Torrey Theatre’s spring production performs tragedy in a unique way.