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Crime Log ― March 22 – April 5

This crime log includes vandalism and hit and runs.
A picture of a Campus Safety car.

Vandalism ― Jesus Saves Parking Garage (Lot S)

Multiple instances of vandalism using spray paint were reported between March 22 and March 30. 

Campus Safety officers made four separate reports after finding vandalism on the 1st floor, 4th floor and two separate locations on the 5th floor of the parking garage. According to Campus Safety Administrative Operations Manager Justin Shelby, while some of the reports were cleared, the investigation is ongoing.

Shelby explained that officers are unsure whether the vandal is a student. Due to lack of evidence, it is unknown if the vandalism occurred at once or if it was ongoing. The vandalism was reported to Facilities Management for removal.

Hit and Run ― Horton Parking Structure (Lot K)

Reported on March 25, occurred on March 25 between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.

A staff member reported damage to a bumper on March 25. The case is active and continues to be investigated.

Hit and Run ― Lower Campus Parking (Lot G)

Reported on April 4 at 12:03 p.m., occurred between April 2 at 7:30 p.m. and April 3 at 3 p.m.

Damage occurred to the bumper of a student’s car. The case remains active and was not reported to off-campus authorities.


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About the Contributor
Caleb Jonker
Caleb Jonker, News Editor
Caleb Jonker is a Senior Journalism major, he loves skateboarding, his little brothers and denim. Not necessarily in that order. [email protected] Caleb Jonker was born in Denver, Colorado, he was raised in a house of four boys. He lived in Denver until he graduated high school, after which he took a year off to join a bike trip raising funds for a non profit organization and to work. Caleb entered Biola University undeclared and avoided declaring a major at all cost, eventually though, through words of encouragement and invitation he declared journalism. Today he works at the Chimes as one of the News Editors.  When he is not writing Caleb can be found skateboarding or working on one of his numerous side projects. 
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