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SGA Rundown: Empowering women leaders

Senators discuss the spring formal and students request funds.
SGA Rundown: Empowering women leaders

This week, senators considered two student proposals and heard from one of the university’s career specialists.


Sophomore cinema and media arts major Juliet Lucas requested $5,000 to fund a premiere of Biola Film’s “Guber” at the La Habra or AMC Norwalk theater. The funds requested would go toward a customized photo backdrop, posters and flyers, catered food and a virgin drinks bar, among other expenses. Lucas explained the event would showcase the School of Cinema and Media Art’s work on the screen and give non-CMA Biolans the chance to enjoy a filmmaking event.

Sophomore Christian ministries major Celine LaBossier requested $100 for 16 extra Chick-Fil-A sandwiches for the Breaking Chains club’s anti-human trafficking event on April 12 at 7 p.m. LaBossier explained that this is the club’s largest event of the year where they will showcase a documentary discussing human trafficking in South Korea. LaBossier said Breaking Chains equips Biolans to fight against trafficking and stand up for the marginalized. The senate unanimously passed the proposal for twice the requested amount.


Science, Tech and Health Career specialist Raquel McLeod gave a presentation detailing her service in the Army. McLeod explained that women in the military constantly have to prove themselves in a male-dominated industry. McLeod said the threat of sexual assault in the military is significant, which taught her how to react when she saw fellow female soldiers in potentially dangerous situations.

McLeod advised senators not to be afraid of failure and encouraged them, especially women, to have enough confidence in their skills to apply for jobs they do not feel completely qualified for. She called women in leadership positions to support and empower fellow female workers and leaders in their workplace.


Hart senator Timothy Wittkopf gave a presentation about serving Asian students at Biola and  explained that Asian culture includes many racial and ethnic backgrounds. He also discussed the “model minority” myth that suggests Asians achieve greater success based on their cultural background.

Wittkopf explained that Asian Americans were unfairly targeted in racist attacks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. He further explained that Asian holidays are often overlooked at Biola and suggested the university highlight Lunar New Year festivities to celebrate Asian culture.


Senators continued to discuss plans for the potential spring formal. They tentatively considered the Spring Field Banquet Center as an off-campus possibility if the gym does not work out as the on-campus location. Senators discussed liability concerns related to Biolans going off-campus for a student event as well as potential liabilities for the event center hosting a university dance.

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About the Contributor
Hannah Larson
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief
Hannah Larson is a junior journalism major who loves novels, California redwoods and strawberry smoothies. I was born and raised in San Marcos, a small town in southern California where horses graze in fenced pastures and fields of sunflowers burst into bloom every spring. As much as I love SoCal, there is something special about taking a road trip to see the redwoods up north—you just can’t beat camping along the gorgeous Pacific coast.  I started writing for my high school paper when I was a junior and discovered a passion for reporting local news and crafting feature pieces, which drove me to pursue journalism in college. I took a staff writer position with the Chimes news section my sophomore year at Biola and loved seeing an article come together from initial interviews to final edits. The following semester, I joined the team as a news editor and dove into a new world of tight deadlines and investigative research. I look forward to leading The Chimes this year as we move into a new season of print media.
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