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SGA Rundown: Senate passes two proposals in full

Senators voted on proposals to appreciate student leaders and advertise the Biola Shares basic needs survey.
SGA Rundown: Senate passes two proposals in full

During this week’s senate meeting, the Student Government Association voted on two proposals, passing both in full. After hearing from senior psychology major and peer wellness ambassador Kate Fitzpatrick, senators voted on the external proposal, requesting $2,000 to host a student leader appreciation event. 

Additionally, SGA heard from Blackstone senator Michael Mckay and Alpha senator Amy Watson who submitted an internal proposal of $119.82 to print 50 posters and 500 postcards advertising the Biola Shares basic needs survey. The same-day vote passed in full. 

The final order of business was organizing the formal event, during which senators discussed the work and time needed to decorate and host the event. 


In a previous senate meeting, Fitzpatrick submitted an external proposal to fund a student leadership appreciation event on Metzger Lawn to celebrate student leaders who work for student-run organizations. 

While discussing whether or not the event merited the $2,000 expenditure, Horton senator Abigail Jackson expressed that many of her constituents voiced support for the event, especially as students hoped to appreciate the Student Missionary Union staff that hosted Missions Conference for the entire student body. 

However, Block senator Rudy Torres opposed the event, as the event seemed exclusive to student leaders, not including students who worked on-campus during the height of the global pandemic—a time when there was little recognition for on-campus student workers. 

McKay acknowledged that both sides presented good arguments, but led a push to support the proposal to fund the event, stating that 95% of his constituents supported it. He understood the value of supporting student leadership, especially following Missions Conference. Clarifying that this was not an SGA event, but an SGA proposal to be funded through another organization, McKay pointed out that the event would appreciate all student leaders, not just senators. 

Following the deliberation, Stewart senator Richard Villareal made a motion to pass the proposal in full. The proposal passed in full, 10-0-1. 


For a same-day vote, McKay presented an internal proposal for $119.82 to fund the printing of 500 postcard and 50 poster advertisements for the Biola Shares basic needs survey. The advertisements include a QR-code linked directly to the survey to receive as many student replies as possible. Prior to the vote, McKay shared that the receiving results proved beneficial in providing potential donors with specific information about how many students are in need on Biola’s campus. 

Hope senator Christie Macris made a motion to pass the proposal in full. The proposal passed in full, 9-2-0. Only McKay and Watson abstained from the vote, as the two senators submitted the proposal.

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About the Contributor
Amanda Frese
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor
Amanda Frese is a senior journalism major who sends too many exclamation points in all of her texts and loves to make coffee. [email protected] Studying journalism at Biola University has given me so many opportunities — I don’t even know where to start. I took classes on magazine writing and public affairs reporting. I interned at the Borgen Project, Pan de Vida and H3R Magazine. I studied in Quito, Ecuador for a semester. I learned about my voice not only as a journalist, but as a person, and how to connect with people.  As a senior this year, looking back at my experience at Biola, I remember writing my first article for The Chimes. Thinking that my article was perfect, I submitted it and soon received copious edits from the editors who published it. The Chimes, since my first article, has taught me the importance of growing, adapting and learning from every experience. Whether it is my relationships with my roommates and friends, travelling to a place that feels unfamiliar or interviewing someone for an article, the Chimes taught me the importance of entering into these opportunities with a desire to learn.   This year I am excited to be the managing editor for the Chimes. I look forward to continuing to grow as I serve the Chimes staff and the Biola community in this position.
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