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Students across LA test back into school

Using a coronavirus test tracking software LAUSD opens after winter break.
Students across LA test back into school

On Jan. 11 the Los Angeles United School District started their spring semester. According to the Los Angeles Daily News, while thousands of students returned to campus, many seats were unfilled. LAUSD calculated that approximately 70% of students attended their first day back on campus.


Before the spring semester LAUSD required COVID-19 tests for all staff and students, according to KTLA.

 Fifteen percent of staff members and 17% of students received a positive result, LAUSD announced on facebook. Across the district, LAUSD received 78,000 positive test results.

According to dot.LA students and staff must show their negative tests on Daily Pass, an app developed by Microsoft to help LAUSD track vaccination and COVID-19 cases. However, the software experienced technological issues throughout its implementation. Dot.LA reported that some students missed multiple weeks of class due to the problems with the app.


According to KTLA, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti emphasized the importance of attending  school in person. Garcetti cited the importance of allowing parents to continue working as a factor in the decision. 

According to EdSource, online classes have been detrimental to students who are preparing to enter college. Even with pass or fail grading structures added to the 2020-2021 school year, many students will still struggle to graduate, EdSource reported.

Several teachers have opted to give additional aid to students, even being flexible with deadlines. In some school districts, such as Sacramento, students who were on track to graduate before the pandemic but have fallen behind since, will still be allowed to graduate on time.

For educators across the state, getting students to graduation remains a major priority.

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About the Contributor
Caleb Jonker
Caleb Jonker, News Editor
Caleb Jonker is a Senior Journalism major, he loves skateboarding, his little brothers and denim. Not necessarily in that order. [email protected] Caleb Jonker was born in Denver, Colorado, he was raised in a house of four boys. He lived in Denver until he graduated high school, after which he took a year off to join a bike trip raising funds for a non profit organization and to work. Caleb entered Biola University undeclared and avoided declaring a major at all cost, eventually though, through words of encouragement and invitation he declared journalism. Today he works at the Chimes as one of the News Editors.  When he is not writing Caleb can be found skateboarding or working on one of his numerous side projects. 
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