Twenty years have passed since the horrific terror attacks led by Islamic extremist group Al-Qaeda. By the end of the day, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives. Nearly two decades later, Americans gather to mourn the loss of loved ones as the entire nation honors the victims of the attacks.
However, according to The Associated Press, nearly two-thirds of Americans polled on Aug. 19 believe the war in Afghanistan was not worth fighting.

Professor of American history at Northwestern University Michael J. Allen believes that the U.S. is a diverse society with a clear focus on the serious challenges and dangers of American power, but the country as a whole has lost its unity.
“The United States is a far less confident and optimistic nation now than it was in September 2001, which marked the end of a decade of technology-fueled economic growth, foreign policy dominance and presidential centrism,” Allen told NBC.
According to NBC News, many Americans believe the Bush administration failed to respond properly to foreign policy by invading Iraq after 9/11. The terror attack marked the start of America’s longest war, only to end 20 years later when the Taliban reclaimed power on Aug. 15. All troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan shortly after.
Former SEAL Team Six elite Robert O’Neill sat down for an interview with Fox News to express urgent concern of bigger vulnerabilities for the divided America.
“Most people are good to each other,” O’Neill said. “But the anger and the division gets the ratings, and that’s what people hear. A lot of people know if they keep people divided they can stay in power and it’s wrong. We can disagree with each other but we’re on the same team when it all comes down to it.”
On Friday afternoon, the Biola Veteran Center commemorated the lives of those affected by the 9/11 attacks. The memorial, which sits outside the Biola Veteran Center, invites students to pause and reflect on the attacks.
The memorial is made up of two long chalkboards with strings connecting them. The chalkboards represent the two towers. Instructions beside the memorial invite students to write a brief prayer for those directly impacted by the attacks.

A table with instructions and materials for paper cranes is set alongside the written prayers. According to the instructions, these paper cranes are a reference to the paper cranes which filled New York following the 9/11 attacks, as symbols of hope and healing.