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Groove through the semester with these 2021 singles

As the end of the semester draws near, check out some of these singles released over the past few months.
Groove through the semester with these 2021 singles

Shy Away” by Twenty One Pilots

Known for their cryptic storylines and music dealing with mental health, Twenty One Pilots ventures into the indie pop genre with “Shy Away.” More upbeat than their typical hard-hitting, emotional tracks, the song is cheerful, while still including some heavy guitar riffs and subtle screamo elements that fits with the classic Twenty One Pilots tracks. Filled with colorful, retro vibes, “Shy Away” is an impressive first addition to their upcoming album.

Wave of You” by Surfaces

Simplistic yet always fun and catchy, listeners cannot help but roll their windows down and dance to Surfaces’ tracks. “Wave of You” is no different, blending layers of satisfying guitar and lively beats that fit in perfectly with the Texas band’s discography. A modest yet enjoyable track, “Wave of You” is the perfect addition to any spring or summer playlist.

It’s Still Cool If You Don’t” by Briston Maroney

Characterized by ambitious guitar riffs blended with subtle electronic effects and upbeat melodies, “It’s Still Cool If You Don’t” adds interest to any playlist. Indie and alternative rock artist Briston Maroney sings of summer love and the feeling of wanting to tell someone how you feel. The song presents a nostalgic feeling, with strong instrumentals almost overpowering the vocals.

How It Feels” by COIN

Since “Indigo Violet,” it seems that nearly every song COIN has released in 2021 presents a slightly different style than what the band is used to, giving variety to their previously lackluster discography. “How It Feels” employs jazzy synths, giving it a sophisticated sound. Unique and danceable, the song is perfect to listen to with friends.

Sports with Strangers” by HUNNY

Though seemingly basic at first listen, there is more to “Sports with Strangers” that meets the eye. The point of interest in the song is found in its lyricism, with the singer expressing that he would rather be left at a gas station than participate in party-going. The singer uses the metaphor of talking “sports with strangers” to refer to his dislike toward discussing controversial topics, namely politics, with people who are uneducated.

Games” by Tessa Violet, lovelytheband

An older song originally released on Tessa Violet’s 2019 album “Bad Ideas,” “Games” is a ballad speaking out against men who enjoy playing with women’s feelings. This recreation with lovelytheband adds another level of depth and ethereality to the song, making it sound more powerful and mature than it did previously. In addition, the group released a music video based on an iconic “Twilight” scene to go along with it. 

Woah Man” by Dayglow

The third single from Dayglow’s upcoming album, “Woah Man” is perhaps the most real and raw song that the band has produced. The singer addresses one of the hardest things to do at timesleaving some things in life behind in order to make way for better things and experience growth. The nostalgic, acoustic instrumentals give the song an eloquent, reflective sound.

What’s Wrong” by half•alive

Immediately opening with other-worldly sound effects and a formidable tune, “What’s Wrong” is a song that expresses concern for deeper issues through its lyricism. Half•alive sings about the social climate of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, commenting on the fact that it seems like problems pile up faster than solutions. An introspective and powerful song, “What’s Wrong” reminds listeners that “the time’s always right to fix what’s wrong.”

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About the Contributor
Lauren McBride
Lauren McBride, Senior Copy Editor
Lauren McBride is a senior Cinema and Media Arts major who appreciates good coffee and good stories. [email protected] Born and raised in the great state of Texas, I knew from a pretty young age that storytelling was my forte.  I grew up with a huge love for reading that led to me developing an equally large imagination.  I always seemed to have a knack for writing, and the skill came naturally to me. Now, in my senior year at Biola, I am finishing my studies in both Cinema and Media Arts and Journalism.  Studying in both of these programs has allowed me to pursue my passion for storytelling and gain a better understanding of what that looks like in different contexts.  Telling a story through a film is vastly different than telling a story through the news, but both are their own unique art form that I am privileged to get to experience.  I am very excited to continue to tell stories through the Chimes this year!
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