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April sheds light with autism awareness month

Understanding is necessary to identify, diagnose and empathize with those who are neurodivergent.
April sheds light with autism awareness month
Photo courtesy of Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Unless you or someone you know has autism, you were likely unaware that April is Autism Awareness Month. Don’t worry—you are not alone. Forty-one percent of participants rated their knowledge of autism as weak during a 2017 study by Neurosciences Journal. But as approximately 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with autism in the U.S., it is important to be aware of what autism is and how it affects those who have it. 


Autism—or autism spectrum disorder—refers to a range of conditions distinguished by difficulties with social skills, learning, problem solving, speech and nonverbal communication. Autism looks different case by case and can be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. This makes it hard to identify and diagnose.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that an average of 1 in 34 boys are diagnosed with autism, compared to 1 in 144 girls. Although these statistics appear to indicate that boys are more prone to autism, the ratio of diagnosis between boys and girls has decreased from 16:1 to 4:1 in the past 20 years. Researchers are still unsure whether these discrepancies accurately reflect a higher prevalence of autism in boys or a discrepancy in diagnosis between girls and boys. 

In the past, the primary research on autism has been conducted on boys, preventing researchers from identifying any differing symptoms between girls and boys. Genetic differences between the sexes may also alter how children display symptoms. Researchers have found a higher prevalence of putative functional DNMs (loss-of-function and predicted deleterious missense mutations) in females than males, which means that a higher genetic load is required in females to reach a threshold for diagnosis.

Despite equal persistence in autism between Black and white children, there are lower diagnoses for minority groups. According to Ronit Malto, Ph.D., these discrepancies can be attributed to cultural differences, communication barriers and anxiety surrounding the diagnosis. If children in these groups are diagnosed, it is typically later in life and they are unable to receive the help they need.


Children with autism are ideally diagnosed by the age of 2. There is no known cure for autism, although early diagnosis and treatment can make an incredible difference in the child’s social skills and development. 

As it is, adults with autism face unique challenges. After young adults with autism leave the public school system, 80% continue to live at home, 32% attend postsecondary education, 6% have competitive jobs, 21% have no employment experiences and 40% report having no friends, according to a 2012 study by Pediatrics. An early diagnosis can improve the future of adults with autism, but this can only come after spreading awareness of the signs and symptoms.


While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone’s lives, those with autism have been hit especially hard. Access to healthcare, which is essential to those with autism, has been limited since last year and closed schools have presented new challenges for the parents of children with autism. A lack of social interaction and confusion surrounding the pandemic has made things especially difficult for children in remote learning, and those difficulties are heightened for children with autism. 

Maintaining routine is important to those with autism, but the pandemic has disrupted almost every sense of that. Even so, some have found they have the ability to adjust to the sudden changes because they are accustomed to living a life that is considered outside of the normal.

“Part of me sometimes wonders if being autistic has helped me to cope with the lockdown a little better because I’m so used to having restrictions put in place on what I can and can’t do,” said University of Edinburgh Ph.D. student Briony Hawkin, in a podcast about stories of those who are on the spectrum.


Blogger James Guttman, the father of an 8-year-old with autism, expressed that a greater awareness of autism can bring a greater appreciation for those who experience it. 

“[People] can realize that, while autism isn’t necessarily in their home, it’s in their community,” Guttman said. “It’s not something to fear or gawk at. It’s something actually quite magnificent.” 

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About the Contributor
Addison Freiheit
Addison Freiheit, Staff Writer
Addison Freiheit is a sophomore journalism major who can’t start her day without time with the Lord and a cup of coffee. Her love for storytelling, art, and people has motivated her to pursue a variety of skills in the media industry, including website design and writing.

I can distinctly remember the moment I knew I was going to be writing for the rest of my life. It was in fifth grade, after my chalk-stained hands had turned in an essay on whales to my writing teacher. And I just knew. I was made to write.

Even then, putting words on a page lit a fire within me. It has never been a mere fire of passion for the stories I’m painting. No, writing is something I need to do. Writing forces me to see the world with fresh eyes. Writing enables me to stop and listen to the Lord. Writing is my safe place, a haven for all thoughts, feelings, desires, and fears.

Biola’s journalism department has managed to merge my love for writing with my love for art and people. As a sophomore in college, the life ahead feels full of thrilling (and daunting) possibility. There are so many things I want to do: write a book, create a podcast, help and encourage others, lead a team or a business of some sort… But I am confident that wherever the Lord takes me, and however He uses my skills and dreams, I will be creating something for His glory.

When I’m not creating, I’m with my friends and family. There are few things better than a good cup of coffee, a great movie, or a long day at the beach.

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