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Tessa Violet dazzles with “Bad Ideas”

Tessa Violet’s latest album is fun, satisfying and presents something for everyone.
Tessa Violet presents honest lyrics in her newest album "Bad Ideas."
Tessa Violet presents honest lyrics in her newest album “Bad Ideas.”
Photo courtesy of Courtesy of Genius

Recently emerged artist Tessa Violet has become a fast hit in the indie-pop world. Previously known by her YouTube handle “Meekakitty,” the internet star discovered her passion for singing and songwriting only within the past few years. Her latest album “Bad Ideas” includes honest lyricism and fun, infectious tunes.


Expectations are often low for musical artists emerging from online platforms like YouTube. However, Tessa Violet may have discovered her calling because her music does not disappoint. According to her biography, her enthusiasm for music was unexpectedly birthed after her friend left a guitar in her car one night. She rolled with the opportunity to learn music, quickly realizing her talent for singing and songwriting.

In her debut album, the young artist can certainly boast a strong beginning, with each song on the album flowing effortlessly. While every track is unique, each one carries a similar bubblegum-pop feel, making even the somber “Wishful Drinking” fun to listen to. Upbeat “Crush” was an instant success following its release, going semi-viral across YouTube and Tik Tok. “Bad Ideas” is filled with a wide variety of tunes and tempos, while following a cheerful pop theme.


With eleven tracks and a runtime of only 32 minutes, “Bad Ideas” is shorter than the average pop star’s album, but not to a fault.  The duration is well-executed and serves to the betterment of the album in Tessa Violet’s case. Rather than cushioning empty space with filler songs, each track serves a specific purpose.  

The album tackles a wide range of music in such a short period of time, from slower tunes like “Interlude III” to gems to dance to in the car like “Bored.”  There is no need for filler music, as this album has something for everybody. “Bad Ideas” leaves the listener completely satisfied and anxious to see what Violet will come up with next time.


Part of the album’s charm comes from its raw and honest lyricism. Don’t let the upbeat, bubblegum-pop sound fool you. According to the artist herself, songwriting has become an outlet for her to work through feelings of inadequacy, love and loss, and her music reflects that. “Honest” is perhaps one of the most powerful tracks on the album, in which the artist tackles the strength that it takes to be vulnerable. Other tracks “I Like (the idea of) You” and “Bad Ideas” discuss her conflicting feelings about love and attraction.

Between the well-rounded tracks, soulful songwriting and catchy music, Tessa Violet does not disappoint with her debut album. “Bad Ideas” will become an instant favorite for lovers of indie-pop.

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About the Contributor
Lauren McBride
Lauren McBride, Senior Copy Editor
Lauren McBride is a senior Cinema and Media Arts major who appreciates good coffee and good stories. [email protected] Born and raised in the great state of Texas, I knew from a pretty young age that storytelling was my forte.  I grew up with a huge love for reading that led to me developing an equally large imagination.  I always seemed to have a knack for writing, and the skill came naturally to me. Now, in my senior year at Biola, I am finishing my studies in both Cinema and Media Arts and Journalism.  Studying in both of these programs has allowed me to pursue my passion for storytelling and gain a better understanding of what that looks like in different contexts.  Telling a story through a film is vastly different than telling a story through the news, but both are their own unique art form that I am privileged to get to experience.  I am very excited to continue to tell stories through the Chimes this year!
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