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Punk ‘n’ Pie 2018: let’s taco bout it

“Daniel, Connor and the Taco Boys” took first place for their second year in a row at the 2018 annual Punk ‘n’ Pie event.
Photo by Thecla Li / THE CHIMES
Photo by Thecla Li / THE CHIMES

Students and parents gathered for a special treat on Metzger Lawn as the 2018 Punk ‘n’ Pie talent show kicked off family weekend on Friday. “Daniel, Connor and the Taco Boys” claimed Punk ‘n’ Pie victory for the second straight year with taco-related themes in their band music.

The show was made up of eight student acts. The Taco Boys were the first group to take the stage. They were followed by a rap on the Gospel of John by senior cinema and media arts major Orian Pilger and a performance by dancer and senior elementary education major Savannah Ozier, who took second and third place respectively. The winners received awards in the form of a golden pumpkin, piñata and candy in addition to an official certificate.


Last year, junior elementary education major Daniel Monroe and junior biblical and theological studies major Connor Pfaff debuted their hit song about their friend’s calves. This year, the winners talked about their inspiration for this new hit song.

“Mostly just tacos. Being hungry at night wanting to make some tacos,” Monroe said. “It was really fun, I think the crowd was digging it so that’s always good.”

The band contained five members, each playing a different instrument.

“I’m pretty excited, there were a lot of hours of preparation and practicing, so we’re going to eat some pumpkin pie,” said sophomore biblical and theological studies major Jake Ekstrom, one of the members.

Pilger took second place, basing his rap on the Gospel of John. His lines and rhymes were created from a Bible class experience last semester. Pilger talked about how he was also inspired by rap artist Timothy Brindle.

“[He] had written a whole bunch of raps about the Old Testament and how there’s these themes that’s traced from Genesis to Revelation,” Pilger said.

He believes this performance benefitted his biblical knowledge.

“I thought that if I wrote John with rhymes, I could remember John 4 or John 10 and I’ll know what the context of this whole chapter means,” Pilger said.

Senior elementary education major Savannah Ozier placed third with her dancing moves to groovy beats. As she twisted with beating drums, the crowd screamed with every move she made on stage. She called the performance a new challenge.

“I’ve always wanted to perform in Punk ‘n’ Pie… It’s not my first time, [but] it’s my first time doing it by myself,” Ozier said. “I just needed to grow and kind of step out on my own and do something on my own.”


Although there were only three awards presented, several other contestants expressed satisfaction in the opportunity to perform in front of an audience as well as their loved ones.

“I think it went super good, my mother’s out there. I just did it for her. I know it’s the talent competition and everything like that, but this song was just from my heart to hers, so I’m glad that I did it,” said freshman music major Mehki Key.

Freshman English major Jalen Sur had a similar sentiment.

“I feel good. I stumbled toward the end but—eh. I just enjoy performing, so I did pretty good,” Sur said.

Some of the competition returners explored new approaches to their performances.

“This year we were trying to do something a little more original,” said sophomore biblical and theological studies major Benjamin Vincent. “I started to consider what would happen if we tried to tell a story by way of the songs we put together.”

The event ended with students and parents enjoying pumpkin pie on the lawn as they excitedly talked about the night’s performances.

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About the Contributors
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager
Isabelle Thompson is a senior business marketing major who enjoys gloomy weather, reading and national parks. She is also an advocate for adventure and trying new things. Good literature has always been a source of inspiration for me. Through the years I have become influenced by authors ranging from Jane Austin, Mark Twain and Scott Fitzgerald to more modern writers including Andy Weir and Stephen Chobsky. Each story I have come across has had a role in shaping the way I see the world and who I am today. It was my love of writing and storytelling which drew me to the position of News Editor at The Chimes my sophomore year. Through that experience I learned the skills necessary to produce consistent, factual and engaging stories that informed and documented events that impacted my immediate community. It was a new kind of storytelling for me which came with the responsibility of doing justice to the very real themes and lives portrayed. Coming back to The Chimes as a senior business marketing major, I feel lucky to have the position of business manager. While I will be taking a step back from writing, I am excited to be surrounded by excellent storytellers and support the publication in a way that aligns with my goals for a career in business.
Micah Kim
Micah Kim, Managing Editor
Micah Kim is a senior journalism major who loves Radiohead, produces music, and admires people that can do a perfect backflip. Born in Pennsylvania, having South Korean blood in my pulsing veins and hacking my way through family missions in China, life had been full of complex colors that I could not name. Finding ways to express my way out of the constant stress I was in was always full of music until I found writing as my new set of crayons. Fortunately, I had one of the most amazing opportunities to explore my writing at The Chimes for about two years going from News Staff Writer to News Editor. Now as Managing Editor, I get to be involved with a more wide variety of journalistic skill sets like photography and design. I hope as an international multimedia journalist, I’ll be able to lead and guide our newspaper to become more diversely cultured and opinionated. Other than writing, I constantly put effort into tasting distinct music. Yet, my all time favorite band is and will be Radiohead. If you guys don’t enjoy Radiohead, too bad. You’re missing out.
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