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Day two of ‘Kingdom’ proves just as full as the first

The final full day of Torrey Conference inspires students to see and live out the kingdom differently.
Photo by Yehju Park / THE CHIMES
Photo by Yehju Park / THE CHIMES

Amidst the pressure of finishing all five Torrey Conference credits, students were awakened by producer Dj Efechto and dance crew, Team Millenia during Thursday’s first session. As the ground-shaking bass rattled the audience, students welcomed the second day of Torrey Conference 2018 with wild anticipation.


This year, the conference coordinators wanted this year to stand out as different to the rest. Senior cinema and media arts major Christopher Blanco is one of the five conference coordinators who helped put the weekend together.

“I feel like a big issue that we’ve had with Torrey conference in the past is that it’s been the same for a while,” Blanco said. “We have Biola cancel class for a week, and we wanted to shake it up somehow.”

The setup for the main sessions was changed to a TED Talk-like style, called Torrey talks. They featured two speakers per segment, along with worship from the band, For All Seasons. The coordinators also added a wider variety of styles of breakout sessions as well as more session locations.

“From the very get-go we decided that we wanted to do not just the breakout sessions,” Blanco said. “We wanted to do 10 different locations, 10 different places on campus, something different so you get a different feel cause when you’re in a different place, and not thinking I’m in chapel… Seeing this chapel stuff in a different location, you experience it differently.”


The morning session began by further exploring the theme, “Kingdom”, with Rev. Gabriel Salguero’s humorous and witty talk. The main focus rendered on the aspect of “vision” centered around Isaiah 11:6-9. As he compared the distorted reflection of hall mirrors to how people reflect themselves today, he challenged students to “see differently with a new set of glasses.”

“I am a prisoner of hope,” Salguero said to the audience. “I believe it, I see it.”

Carol Kaminski, professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary, continued the session by speaking on 2 Chronicles 20:15-2. Students were guided towards facing challenges from a kingdom perspective by maturing themselves to choose the kingdom’s priorities over the world’s priorities. Kaminski specifically mentioned the false value of academic success, emphasizing “seeking God to the fullest”.

“God answers prayers when you seek him with faith,” Kaminski told the crowd.

The target of her message paved its way to a conclusion that seeking God stands as a crucial step towards his kingdom.

After the two inspiring talks, the dismissal of the session was followed by worship band and Biola alumni For All Seasons. Sophomore kinesiology major Sean Lee felt that this year’s conference had a great mix of energy and spirituality in comparison to 2017s.

“I could feel that this year was more intentionally catered by the Torrey Conference staff in a way where the balance of both spirituality and excitement had been executed,” Lee said.


Kaminski began the night session after opening with worship. She spoke on the topic of humbling yourself before God and submitting your entire life to him.

“Our relationship with the living God is not a monologue but dialogue,” Kaminski said during her presentation.

Dean of Spiritual Development and Campus Pastor Todd Pickett lead the congregation in a prayer of confession and reflection with the help of For All Seasons. Many students came forward to kneel in prayer as a response, in order to emulate King Solomon in prayer.

Associate professor of New Testament Jon Lunde was the second speaker of the session. He emphasized that we are created to reign in the image of God, who is the king in an inaugurated reign.

“When you and I are called to righteousness… we are being called to the restoration of the image of God,” Lunde said in his presentation.

The session ended in a time of extended worship as For All Seasons closed out the last main session in the gym.

There remains one final session on Friday led by Pickett that opens up a place for reflection.

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About the Contributors
Macie Cummings
Macie Cummings, News Editor (Fall 2018)
Macie Cummings is a senior journalism major on a mission to find the best iced vanilla latte. She is passionate about all things Disney, the Dodgers, and the Office. [email protected] Four years ago, I never would have thought my Biola experience would turn out the way that it did. I am from the small town of Visalia, California, and if you don’t know where that is, just picture cows in the middle of the Central Valley and you’re there. I am the oldest of three girls, and we are incredibly close. However, I was ecstatic about the opportunity to move down to Southern California. The fact that I would only be living nine miles away from Disneyland may have been a key factor when choosing a school. While wrapping up my senior year of high school, I was confident in my decision to become an elementary school teacher. At some point that summer, I had an epiphany: I did not want to be in school for the rest of my life. I decided to take a huge risk and apply for Biola’s film program. After a year of only taking general education courses, I found out I had been accepted, only to go and switch my major yet again. The journalism program sparked my interest, when I realized that film was not for me. I have a passion for creating videos, so I chose an emphasis in broadcast journalism. After a semester of broadcast classes, and a lot of prayer, I decided to switch my emphasis to visual media, which is where I’ve planted myself. I have learned that I thoroughly enjoy many different aspects of the journalism and content creation industry, so this seemed like the best fit. I am looking forward to my year as a news editor for the Chimes, and the opportunity to grow in my writing and storytelling abilities. I know this year will be a year of learning and growth, and I cannot think of a better way to spend my last year at Biola.
Micah Kim
Micah Kim, Managing Editor
Micah Kim is a senior journalism major who loves Radiohead, produces music, and admires people that can do a perfect backflip. Born in Pennsylvania, having South Korean blood in my pulsing veins and hacking my way through family missions in China, life had been full of complex colors that I could not name. Finding ways to express my way out of the constant stress I was in was always full of music until I found writing as my new set of crayons. Fortunately, I had one of the most amazing opportunities to explore my writing at The Chimes for about two years going from News Staff Writer to News Editor. Now as Managing Editor, I get to be involved with a more wide variety of journalistic skill sets like photography and design. I hope as an international multimedia journalist, I’ll be able to lead and guide our newspaper to become more diversely cultured and opinionated. Other than writing, I constantly put effort into tasting distinct music. Yet, my all time favorite band is and will be Radiohead. If you guys don’t enjoy Radiohead, too bad. You’re missing out.
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