Outpouring of glory: students respond in Seibert Thursday evening session

Luke Cheng reflects on the Thursday evening session with Jimmy Seibert.


Jimmy Seibert talked in Thursday night’s evening session about intentionality and how that impacts encountering God. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES

Luke Cheng, Writer

Over the past two days, Missions Conference speakers spoke on the outpouring of God’s glory both in the context of our personal lives and in the nations. Thursday night, students responded to this glory.

The night began with great anticipation as songs of praise were lifted and testimonies of God were declared. Soon after, Jimmy Seibert, the lead pastor of Antioch Church, led the night, sharing magnificent stories of encountering God’s glory both in Waco, Texas and in hostile aboriginal tribes overseas. Through all of his stories, Seibert ultimately exhorted students to be intentional in encountering God.

Seibert shared that the Bible became real in his life when he was intentional and chose to be obedient instead passive. This included being faithful in the little things, traveling to hostile unreached nations and waking up at five in the morning to intentionally pray and read the Bible.

Seibert said, “It’s not about works; it’s about a responsiveness to God’s grace.” Being intentional is allowing Jesus to move in our day-to-day decision-making; he wants to move in our every moment. We need to realize that it’s all about Jesus. Seibert encouraged students to consecrate their hearts from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep, making the Bible the anchor of their souls.

He asked the question, “What if people really prayed? What if people really read the Bible to know God? What if people really shared their faith? And what if people really made disciples?” Seibert believes this would change the world.

He shared that when we are intentional, God will take advantage of it. He does not hold back in revealing himself. Instead, God desires and delights in encountering his children. When we encounter his glory, nothing is the same. We are radically changed, and we long to share it with everyone. We desire everyone to know Jesus because they need Jesus. Seibert said, “[Encountering God] is not a privilege for the few. Everyone is welcomed to the throne of grace; it comes down to absolute surrender.”

Seibert shared that our encounter with the glory of God is not to be kept to ourselves. God wants to reveal his glory to all people, and he desires to do it through us. He brings us freedom so that we can bring freedom to others. In Christ, God has made us carriers of God’s Spirit. Wherever we go, we bring the glory of God with us. It is our calling to bring God’s glory to others. Seibert closes, saying, “You are loved by God. You have a call not only to be whole, but also to change the world. Listen and obey.”

Students responded in extensive worship in surrender, praying for each other and the nations, giving praise to God and declaring that he is worthy.

This sessions reminds us that being intentional will always bring us into deeper revelation of God. He delights in our willingness and desires to lavish us in his irresistible love. If we give him the time, he will blow our expectations away. God is not a grumpy old man who withholds from his children, but rather a loving and generous Father; we just need to intentionally respond.

Being Biola students, it is easy to get jaded and learn how to get by, speaking Christian “jibber-jabber” to each other. We become numb to the true glory of God, and we forget our unfailing identity in Christ. This session was a simple, but necessary reminder for us as Biola students.

God wants to bring us back to our first love, Jesus, before we do anything else. He wants to remind us that we are his beloved sons and daughters in Christ, and that his Spirit will continually transform us and impact others through us. We do not need to do anything to earn his acceptance because Christ has done it all. His love and glory will propel us to do his will, to live missionally.

At the end of the day, it’s quite simple: it’s all about Jesus.

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