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TOMS and trolling

Ever heard of TOMS? How about trolling? Alyssa shares how these have entered her college life lately.
TOMS founder and Chief Shoe Giver Blake Mycoskie visited Biola in April to announce an upcoming mystery product, which was revealed June 7 as a new line of eyewear. |Job Ang/THE CHIMES
TOMS founder and Chief Shoe Giver Blake Mycoskie visited Biola in April to announce an upcoming mystery product, which was revealed June 7 as a new line of eyewear. |Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Photo courtesy of Job Ang

A few weeks ago, as many of you probably know, Blake Mycoskie, CEO of TOMS Shoes came to Biola with his social media staff and a film team. They came to shoot a promo video for TOMS new announcement about no longer being just a shoe company, but the One for One company.

It was all very exciting. I signed up for TOMS email list a long time ago, and receive emails of news and events for TOMS. I never dreamed I would get an email saying Blake would be at Biola and to be at the Fluor Fountain at 1 p.m. Excited and a tiny bit star struck, my friend Anne and I showed up, clad in our respective TOMS, signed a waiver, and were on our way to TOMS stardom!

I’m a celebrity!

Well, sort of. We got to be in the promo video, which is now on the TOMS website and YouTube, and were able to support an organization that has a great mission statement and cause. I really liked that Blake waited until the end of the shoot to tell us that we all got a free pair of TOMS for participating! It was an unexpected reward for helping out with the video. I suspect that if the free merchandise had been advertised, the place would have been packed with too many students to actually get work done, not to mention fewer people who were actually there to support the cause.

In case you were wondering – I like and fully support TOMS Shoes and their movement, and I am also totally okay with it if you do not.

Word of the Day

In other news, I recently learned a new word that I have never heard before. The term is “trolling.”

Trolling (v.): Saying intentionally harmful or rude comments in order to get a rise out of someone, especially on the internet. These comments are never meant to be true, but rather for the entertainment and humor of those listening.

It was used in context when a friend of mine came to the lobby and started putting down everything everyone else was doing, not because he thought it was really bad, but because he wanted to poke fun and start something for entertainment. When he left, someone asked why he was asking so many unnecessary questions and being annoying, and if he was serious, and my other friend responded, “He was just trolling.”

Say what?

I then proceeded to ask what that term was and she kindly explained it to me. I guess that’s just one more thing Biola has taught me: Slang and its context. An essential part of your college education.

Good times.

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