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Life without a car

Students seeking transportation to the airport encounter problems when relying on taxi services.
Deryk Machado/THE CHIMES
Deryk Machado/THE CHIMES
Marika Adamopoulos

With Los Angeles recently lifting a ban on Uber transport at Los Angeles International Airport, residents are now allowed to be dropped off at the airport, but not picked up by Uber drivers. Despite the ban lift, the negotiations between Uber and LAX are still underway. Students who attend Biola and hail from outside the southern California area seek a reliable and affordable avenue of transportation to the airport.


These regulations created complications for Biola students without a vehicle or available mode of transportation. Senior journalism major Jennifer Jensen has taken Uber multiple times to the airport due to the high price of taxis.

“I used to take a taxi to LAX to go home to Oregon, but it was really expensive and Uber is less expensive than a traditional taxi. Also, in my experience, Uber is cleaner because they have certain standards. I have never gotten in an Uber car where it is dirty or someone is smoking,” Jensen said.


However, not all students have high opinions of Uber. Sophomore sociology major, Kelly Vine, has used Uber twice. When the pick-up ban had not lifted during a time when Vine needed a ride from the airport, she resorted to paying high taxi prices.

“The second time to LAX was to drop off a friend at the airport, which actually ended up not working well because they don’t pick up at LAX, so we had to take a cab home which was significantly more expensive,” Vine said.


In order to help solve this problem, sophomore Christian ministries major Megan Collins created her own taxi service for Biola students called Collins Cab, her own small business. For Collins, it was more than just a business, but a ministry and social interaction.

“It wasn’t something I ever really intended to do, it kind of fell in my lap,” Collins said. “I am from Texas so I am used to the craziness of going to the airport and getting a ride from friends — it was just a stressful experience and so I would give my friends a ride.”

The same idea applies to Biola alumnus and Uber driver, Deryk Machado. After graduating with a degree in Christian ministries, Machado enjoys the social aspect in offering rides.

“I worked as a valet for a while as I enjoyed working with all the types of people. I have always been in a service industry type job and I get to meet a lot of different people and have conversations— it’s a lot of fun. I enjoyed working in Los Angeles for a while and in an service industry type job. It’s fun to meet a lot of different types of people,” Machado said.


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