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The Chimes Staff 2011-2012

Meet the staff of The Chimes for the 2011-2012 school year.

Elizabeth Sallie

Position: Editor-in-Chief
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism
Office Hours: 11:30-1 M/W, 11:30-12:30 T/TH

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Sallie, and I’m the editor-in-chief here at the Chimes. My job is to oversee the many crucial parts that come together to create the newspaper. Some of the things I get to be involved with include the staff, the structure and the overall production of the Chimes. One of my favorite parts of the job, though, is interacting with readers, whether through text messages, emails or office hours.

Though this is only my second year at the Chimes, it has quickly become a new type of home for me. When I’m not at the Chimes, I love reading great books, drinking coffee, and bluegrass. I’m a junior with a passion for web design and journalistic integration with the Internet, and would love to continue pursuing that once I graduate. I’m honored to be able to lead the amazing staff below through this year of seeking out journalistic truth, Christian integrity and a holistic mindset for the Chimes.

Sarah Seman

Position: Senior News Editor
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism

This year I’ll be overseeing the news section of the Chimes – I’ll try to create awareness and conversation about things that matter to you as Christians, students and citizens. After Biola, I’d love to work in a bustling city back east or maybe abroad covering political news. Growing up right outside Pittsburgh, Pa., I’ve learned to love playing football in the mud, listening to country music, having big Thanksgiving dinners (where pierogies are as essential as turkey) and yes, rooting for the Steelers. Please, stop by the office if you have any concerns, complaints, story ideas or just want to chat. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better in the coming year!

Michelle Hong

Position: Asst. News Editor
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism

Hello! My name is Michelle Hong and I am serving as the assistant news editor for The Chimes. My primary responsibility is to field inquiries and report on issues regarding breaking news that occurs on or near the Biola campus. I maintain a professional relationship with Campus Safety, working together to inform students, faculty and administration about up-to-date news. I also closely collaborate with Sarah Seman, senior news editor for The Chimes, working with writers and photographers to produce relevant and timely news stories for online and print publication.

I am a junior pursuing a journalism major with an emphasis in publishing and editing. I enjoy working with my colleagues, snowboarding, drinking caramel macchiatos and watching The Office. Go Doyers!

Abbey Bennett

Position: Features Editor
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism

I love stories. Telling stories, hearing stories, making memories that turn into stories. I grew up in a small town in Ohio, the oldest of six. After graduating, I ventured off to Texas to serve at an internship with Teen Mania ministries. After being there for two years, I transferred to Biola as a sophomore-and-a-half. Growing up, I wanted to be a nurse, a teacher, a nutritionist, and the list goes on. In high school, I had a Rhetoric teacher who challenged me to write more than I ever had before, and through those grueling assignments and classes, I discovered my love for writing, which led to journalism. Upon starting to write for the Chimes, I had never written for a newspaper in my life. Through a lot of patience and a lot of training, I now serve as the features editor, seeking to share stories with you, the Biola community.

Chase Andre

Position: Opinions Editor
Year: Senior
Major: Communication Studies

Hi, I’m Chase, and I control the opinions of Biola. I am a senior communication studies major, with a philosophy minor. My first year at Biola was Fall ’06 to Spring ’07, and then I didn’t return until 2010. But now I’m back. And you’re not getting rid of me.

Am I an opinionated guy? Absolutely, but you might not know at first blush. I am much quicker to listen and collect a fuller understanding than I am to make my voice be heard first. As an editor, I will be doing just that. My desire is that the Opinions Column is one that stirs passion across campus in a variety of ways. I hope to give a bullhorn to those who feel they only hold a whisper. I hope to show both sides of the debate. I hope to simulate constructive and invigorating conversation across campus. And I hope that you want to engage.

Joey DeClercq

Position: Sports Editor
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism

This is my second year working for The Chimes newspaper. In my first year I wrote for the sports section and covered everything from professional athletes to Biola basketball and baseball. I stayed on and was hired as the editor of the sports section because I have such a passion for sports as well as good storytelling. At the Chimes we’re doing all we can to provide you not only with scores and statistics, but we also want to show you who the athletes are when they leave the field of play. I’m a junior journalism major starting my second full year at Biola. My dream job is to cover baseball in some capacity, but I also have the desire to teach high school and coach water polo.

Amy Seed

Position: Managing Web Editor
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism

Hello there! My name is Amy Seed, and I am the managing Web editor for The Chimes. I am a senior journalism major, and I couldn’t be more excited about this job. I love the Internet, social media, coding, hectic schedules, breaking news, late nights and lots and lots of coffee. This year, I will be overseeing all the activity on The Chimes Online along with the web content editor, Amber Amaya. My goal is to help the website serve you better and attract more online traffic through breaking news and Web exclusives.

Amber Amaya

Position: Web Content Editor
Year: Sophomore
Major: Journalism

HI! I’m the Web content editor for the Chimes and I’m a sophomore this year, majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in writing and publishing. I work along side Amy Seed to help manage the Chimes website, which posts everything from the weekly print edition plus exclusive online content. I’m also responsible for managing the content of the Chimes online as well as mentoring Web writers and overseeing blogs. This is the second year I’ve been involved with The Chimes and I’m excited about helping the Chimes become a web-first publication.

My passion for journalism was sparked by a mission’s trip I took to Ecuador. My goal in life, especially as a journalist, is to impact the world for Christ and to be a truth seeker. I enjoy mentoring new writers and being able to work with the wonderful Chimes staff. My past journalism experience includes being the news editor of my high school newspaper, being the editor-in-chief of my high school yearbook, as well as being an anchor for my high school broadcast team. When I’m not busy reading for Torrey I enjoy coffee dates and day trips with friends.

Amanda Warner

Position: Senior Copy Editor
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism

I’m Amanda and I am the senior copy editor this year. I hope to work with both our writers and readers to make the Chimes completely error free! Or at least that is the goal. I have been involved with journalism since I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior journalism major who loves writing and has learned to be a better writer through editing. I was a copy editor for The Chimes last year, as well. I love journalism and I have gotten to see how God has used it for his glory. I also love the color pink, Top Ramen and hiking! You can visit the copy editors’ blog at and feel free to visit the copy editors themselves sometime. We try not to be scary!

Job Ang

Position: Photo Editor
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism

Oh, hi! My name is Job. But, some of my friends call me Gob (see: Arrested Development).

Being involved with the Chimes since freshman year, I’ve been a features apprentice, copy editor, staff photographer, and now, photo editor. It’s been a wild ride; kind of like a wave. The current takes the water up and down, side to side, tossing you about. If you take yourself too seriously, the lack of control will get to you. But if you chill out like a surfer and ride the wave, things will be okay.

I’m a fan of people, friends, food, and Apple. I will also fervently cheer on my Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (dumbest name in sports, notwithstanding), and have a strong desire to listen to people’s stories and shoot them. in the face. with a camera. Watch out, Biola!

Tyler Otte

Position: Staff Photographer
Year: Senior
Major: Marketing

Hi, my name is Tyler Otte. My friends call me “Sunshine,” a nickname that my dad
gave me and immediately stuck in college. I am a staff photographer for the Chimes,
and have the opportunity to capture the life and people of Biola. I love shooting
candid photos and photos that tell a story. I get to experience this through weddings,
concerts, family portraits, and many other life events. I am a marketing major with a
dream to own my own studio someday. In all that I do, I strive to seek His kingdom
first and be continually broken before God so that I may know new depths of trust
everyday. Although I fail a lot because I am a sinner, I get to show God’s love through
every thought, action and event because He first loved me through grace that I never

Katie Juranek

Position: Staff Photographer
Year: Senior
Major: Communication Disorders

I am a senior studying to be a Speech Pathologist and have been fortunate enough to be a photographer in addition to that! Every time I finish a shoot, I feel grateful for the opportunity to be at the events and to meet new and interesting people. Therefore, as a staff photographer for The Chimes this year, I hope to share my love for Biola’s community through the pictures I capture.

Emily Irwin

Position: Design Editor
Year: Junior
Major: Art

I am a junior majoring in art with my emphasis in design. I grew up in Fullerton, California. I very much enjoy unsweetened iced tea, weddings, organizing, lavender scented things and a good night sleep. I love to decorate and make things look good, especially The Chimes newspaper. I do not like dogs and I believe I am the only person on The Chimes staff that does not enjoy writing.

Rachel Pierson

Position: Videographer
Year: Sophomore
Major: Journalism

My name is Rachel Pierson and I am a videographer for The Chimes. I’m from Chicago and I’m a broadcast journalism major. In my spare time I enjoy playing my ukulele and toy piano. Post graduation, I hope to be a morning reporter for a California news station. I’m really excited to be a part of such a wonderful staff and look forward to what this year has in store!

Carson Leith

Position: Staff Writer
Year: Junior
Major: English

Hi there! My name is Carson Leith and I love to read, write, and think, preferably in the morning with coffee in hand. I’m a Junior English major and have a couple of passions: music, the deepness of life, and the discipleship of others. So naturally, I’m aiming to enter a career that lets me combine those things.

Ashley Jones

Position: Web Photo Editor
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism/ICS

I may be a God fearing woman, but I surely do hate darkness. It’s not a fear, but more an attraction to that what illuminates. Not a preference, but a desire. It’s the light that moves us through the day, that keeps us alive and in tune to the greatness of the celestial realm and beauty of God’s creation. It’s also the reason photography exists. The word “photography” literally means light [photo] painting (or drawing) [graphy]. Just as Christ is called the Light of the World, we are called to be the light as well. It’s a funny little circle, but I’ve decided to live my life in order to reveal the light of God through the very thing that means “light:” Photography. While photography is a passion, I’ve also come to terms with the fact that the Internet is an incredible resource for sharing the gospel. That is why I couldn’t be more ecstatic about my position on the Chimes as Web Photo Editor.

Taylor Durden

Position: Videographer
Year: Sophomore
Major: Journalism

I’m a videographer. I love shooting video and reporting which is why I am a Journalism major with an emphasis in broadcast. Someday I want to be either a news reporter or a sideline reporter for college football. I grew up in the Bay Area of California, but after high school (specifically three weeks before I started Biola) my parents moved to Aurora, Colorado. I have the best of both worlds—the California sun/beaches and the Rocky Mountains. I love the Bible classes at Biola. I love sports—watching and playing them, especially football and baseball. I enjoy drinking coffee, people watching, shopping, laughing, music, movies, bon fires and making new friends.

Patricia Diaz

Position: Staff Writer
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism

I’m Patti, and I’m thrilled to be a staff reporter for the Chimes this year. Having been an editor for this lovely publication last year, I really would have gone into serious withdrawals if I weren’t involved in some capacity again! That’s one thing you discover about journalism. It’s magnetic and addicting, and more frustrating than anything you’ve possibly ever experienced. I constantly find myself in a love/hate relationship with this major and future career. But, at the end of the day, more love than hate, otherwise I wouldn’t still be putting myself through this! I find that each story is a challenge, yet the end result is always worth the effort I put in. Although I don’t know what job this major will land me in, I am excited to continue to develop my skills and gain valuable reporting experience. I love that, as part of the press, you have the right to march up to anyone you want and ask them any question you have on your mind. All you have to say is “I’m a journalist.” It’s a phrase that opens doors, earns you enemies, and grays your hair much too early. But what you learn to love, you learn to live with.

Zachary Fu

Position: Staff Writer
Year: Sophomore
Major: Journalism

My name is Zachary Fu and I am a journalism major. My favorite sport, by far, is basketball. I also enjoy creating music. I love covering feature stories, especially those that focus on an individual’s personal story, and I hope to do something along those lines for my career.

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