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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola’s answers to questions about water problems

Aerial view of Biola’s campus showing Alpha, Sigma and Blackstone Halls. Water leak was resolved near University Dr. and the La Mirada Boulevard entrance.
Water quality and infrastructure at Biola are in good condition despite questions and concerns
Olivia Kam, News Editor February 28, 2025

On Feb. 7, water was shut off to several dorms on Biola’s upper campus, specifically Blackstone, Alpha and Sigma. The issue was resolved later that day, but residents have complained about the cloudy appearance of tap water since the incident, prompting questions about Biola’s water quality and infrastructure. Brian...

Oil pipeline leak harms wetlands and businesses

Oil pipeline leak harms wetlands and businesses
Spill affects Orange County ecology and economy.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 11, 2021

On Oct. 1, a leak that spilled between 25,000 and 100,000 gallons of heavy crude oil from an offshore oil production pipeline closed Laguna Beach and Dana Point Harbor for five days. The spill occurred roughly five miles from shore due to a pipeline owned by Texas-based Amplify Energy. While the cause...

Main water valve outside Thompson bursts, shutting off water to Bluff

The busted pipe behind Thompson shut off water to Bluff.
Three different rooms in Bluff have been flooded.
Maria Weyne, News Editor September 27, 2019

On Friday morning, facilities management received a phone call from Thompson Hall at approximately 7:45 that water was leaking into residents’ rooms. A resident noticed water seeping into her room, and she was not the only one.  Two other rooms on the first floor were also affected, according to...

Construction on La Mirada and Rosecrans delayed, city says

Road work located on La Mirada Boulevard, next to Biola University.
Water-saving medians on the two streets just outside of Biola will be completed in late November.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor September 9, 2019

The construction project responsible for lane closures and congestion on Rosecrans Avenue and La Mirada Boulevard will continue for most of the semester. Median construction has been delayed due to digging complications, according to La Mirada Public Works Director Mark Stowell. The two streets stand...

Beyond the Bubble: In the wake of the storm

Hurricane Maria caused destruction in Puerto Rico, affecting students.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 18, 2017
Hurricane Maria caused destruction in Puerto Rico, affecting students.

Floodgates of heaven rain down

Cassidy Eldridge/THE CHIMES
Over interterm, campus receives major amounts of rain.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer February 14, 2017
Over interterm, campus receives major amounts of rain.

Cultural awareness celebrated

Jacob Knopf/ THE CHIMES
SPA screened a documentary and hosted a panel for Native American Heritage week.
Samantha Dammann, Writer November 8, 2016
SPA screened a documentary and hosted a panel for Native American Heritage week.

I brought living water to Honduras

Photo courtesy of Tyler Cole
While on a mission trip, student Nicole De La Riva formed close community bonds by digging trenches and ministering through conversation.
Nicole De La Riva, Writer April 6, 2016
While on a mission trip, student Nicole De La Riva formed close community bonds by digging trenches and ministering through conversation.

Students healthy, despite rising obesity rates

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Bon Appetit encourages students to drink water and watch portion sizes.
Jana Eller, Office Manager November 11, 2015
Bon Appetit encourages students to drink water and watch portion sizes.

We must rise to survive the drought
Awareness will bring us together with our local community.
Allison Schuster, Writer May 5, 2015
Awareness will bring us together with our local community.

Take action against severe water crises

Amy McKeever, freshman communication disorders major and Stefanie Van Schooten, business administration freshman carry water jugs in order to spread awareness about the water crisis in Africa. Speakers, students and organizations communicate about missions and spreading the Gospel. | Molli Kaptein/THE CHIMES
Raise awareness of droughts occurring worldwide and at home.
Breigha Sawyer, Writer March 24, 2015
Raise awareness of droughts occurring worldwide and at home.