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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

College is a valuable investment

Tuition costs may be high but the education and experience of college is worthwhile.
Though four-year universities require payment of high-cost tuitions, the value of attending a university is worthwhile.
Marc Dejagger, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

According to Forbes, college admissions prices increased by 800% after inflation in the past 50 years. It now costs an average of over $100,000 to attend a university for all four years. The cost of tuition is not news to college students and it does not endear college to many people, and no wonder.  Student...

All is fair in love and loyalty

All is fair in love and loyalty
Too often we mistake the effects of love and not its cause.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor April 30, 2019

Some time ago, I was sitting by a fire listening to a friend give a sermon on the importance of value. One of his more peculiar qualities is the ability to speak about every other topic and travel along every other rabbit trail except the very point he set out to explain. It is similar to calling an...

Building an ethos of diversity at Biola

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
A diverse student population is necessary for a healthy university.
President Barry Corey, Writer October 4, 2016
A diverse student population is necessary for a healthy university.

How to practice thankfulness

The act of being thankful can be difficult and requires an understanding of value.
Conrad Frommelt, Writer November 25, 2014
The act of being thankful can be difficult and requires an understanding of value.