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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

California launches new service-oriented grant program

California launches new service-oriented grant program
Biola students miss an opportunity to participate in a grant.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 9, 2022

On Jan. 18 California Gov. Gavin Newsom launched a new program designed to help send California students to college debt free. The program, named #CaliforniansForAll College Corps, was created to connect students to service opportunities while helping pay for their college fees. COLLEGE AND SERVICE According...

Biola’s giveaway hopes to diversify and enlarge campus numbers

Biola’s giveaway hopes to diversify and enlarge campus numbers
Following regulation changes Biola offers first-ever incentive program.
Monica Salazar-Jimenez, Opinions Editor November 9, 2021

On Oct. 27, Biola announced a giveaway for prospective students on Instagram. Biola plans to provide the winner with a full four-year tuition scholarship and three runner-ups with two "Believe Key" Disneyland passes. According to Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications Lee Wilhite,...

Enrollment numbers higher than expected, Wilhite says

Enrollment numbers higher than expected, Wilhite says
Biola experiences unexpectedly high enrollment rates during remote semester.
Maria Weyne, News Editor September 28, 2020

As colleges transitioned into the online semester, many expected enrollment numbers to drop significantly. Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing & Communications Lee Wilhite was well aware of the downsides of a fully remote semester but was surprised to see that only 11% of undergraduate students...

College is a valuable investment

Tuition costs may be high but the education and experience of college is worthwhile.
Though four-year universities require payment of high-cost tuitions, the value of attending a university is worthwhile.
Marc Dejagger, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

According to Forbes, college admissions prices increased by 800% after inflation in the past 50 years. It now costs an average of over $100,000 to attend a university for all four years. The cost of tuition is not news to college students and it does not endear college to many people, and no wonder.  Student...

Let’s be honest about cheating

Though cheating and plagiarism exist, students should maintain academic integrity.
With the rise of the internet and heightened pressures on college students, universities must consider these factors’ effects on academic integrity.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor October 9, 2019

Cheating and plagiarism exist at every level of education. The temptation to get a quick and easy grade is alluring. Cheating even occurs at Biola, where students profess to be Christians.  Plagiarism is highly reprimanded in higher education, however, students—despite understanding the repercussions...

Finance department restructures to alleviate financial burden for students

The recent reorganization allows the university to adapt to long-term changes in student demographics.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor October 4, 2019

Enrollment is up, higher than last year. However, student morale is down. While Student Development is trying their hand at helping students’ mental health, the finance department is seeing what they can do to alleviate financial stress. An increase in student stress and government reporting has caused...

Declining enrollment forces administration to get creative about funding

Declining enrollment forces administration to get creative about funding
Biola is working to increase student affordability through raising scholarships and endowment.
Russell Spacy, Freelance Writer April 30, 2019

College decision day, May 1, is the day high school students make their final college decisions. College affordability is an ever present factor in a student’s college decision, with many prospective students looking at both a school’s sticker price and scholarship offerings. A yearly drop in undergraduate...

Enrollment hopes boost budget

Executive vice president of University Operations and Finance Mike Pierce leads the search for a new EMC vice president.
Budget decisions are being made with anticipation of higher enrollment numbers next year.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager March 2, 2019

With the deadline for a balanced budget arriving on May 19, financial decisions regarding the coming fiscal year are in the process of being made.   Each year, a balanced budget must be presented before the Board of Trustees providing details for the coming fiscal year, which starts on July 1. While...

Business school reduces cost for graduate programs

crowell school of business
Crowell issues a tuition reduction to increase flexibility for students.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 1, 2019

In fall 2019, the Crowell School of Business will reduce tuition prices for two graduate-level programs by $200 per credit. In an effort to increase affordability and access to Crowell’s programs, the cost for the master of business and master of management in non-profit organizations courses will...

First Generation students count college costs

First Generation students count college costs
Students discuss the financial benefits and drawbacks of attending Biola.
Melissa Fuentes, Freelance Writer September 26, 2018

Biola University is one of America’s top colleges, ranking at No. 307 according to Forbes. Although Biola has a lot to offer, some may wonder if it is worth the annual cost. Most Biola students could agree one of the biggest drawbacks is in fact the school’s substantial tuition. Net price and Sticker...

Board funds online programs to ease tuition burden

The benefits of Biola LEARN.
Funding to expand new courses and convert current classes.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief March 7, 2018

The Board of Trustees approved $4.8 million for additional funding to develop online programs  to better serve post-traditional undergraduate students and reduce future tuition increases. RESPONDING TO A GROWING DEMOGRAPHIC The funding will go toward hiring additional full-time faculty, developing...

Biola’s most demanding expenses explained

Nichole Landon/THE CHIMES
Faculty and staff salary most directly affect the cost of attending Biola.
Caitlin Blackmon, Writer October 25, 2017
Faculty and staff salary most directly affect the cost of attending Biola.