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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

California board reduces direct patient contact requirement for nursing students

California board reduces direct patient contact requirement for nursing students
Many Biola nursing majors are still unable to complete clinical hours, even at 50%.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief April 6, 2020

The California Board of Registered Nursing will lower direct patient contact hour requirements for nursing student clinicals from 75% to 50%, the Department of Consumer Affairs announced on April 3.  Last month, Ryane Panasewicz, a senior nursing major from West Coast University, created an online...

Broke college students can be generous too

Broke college students can be generous too
Here are a few ways you can live generously with limited funds.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 1, 2020

A friend buys you a meal. Your parents surprise you with a gift you have been wanting for. A pleased customer offers you a little extra for a tip. These are all the things we would recognize as generous. They’re also all things which require money.  But after the expensive Christmas season and...

Yes, it’s possible to get good grades, make money and stay healthy. Here’s how.

Here are some tips stay healthy during the course of the semester.
It is important to take time from the busyness of life for rest and reflection.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor January 17, 2020

The blaring alarm jolts me out of bed. 6:45 a.m. Shower. Class. Breakfast. Chapel. Class. Lunch. Homework. Class. Dinner. Gym. Hangout with friends. Call Mom. Bed. Repeat. As university students, we are constantly busy. We always have more on our plate than merely homework and classes. According to a...

Breaking Chains hosts pop-up thrift shop

The Breaking Chains club hosted a pop-up thrift shop to raise awareness about human trafficking.
The event meant to raise awareness about human trafficking.
Kaylee Galvez November 20, 2019

In an effort to bring awareness about human trafficking, the Breaking Chains club hosted a pop-up thrift shop for students to purchase clothes at an affordable price while they learn about the anti-human trafficking goal of the club. Hosted at the Fireplace Pavilion, there were racks and tables that...

Math and Computer Science Department open Quantitative Consulting Center

Math and Computer Science Department open Quantitative Consulting Center
Students and staff work together to provide clients with statistical and research help.
Kaylee Galvez November 18, 2019

Driven by the desire to serve the community through the Department of Math and Computer Science, students and faculty have come together as a class to cultivate the Quantitative Consulting Center this fall. In an effort to provide students and staff with quality statistical consulting services and supportive...

Journalism department hosts interfaith dialogue through “Newcomers to Neighbors”

Journalism students present their newly published book, “Newcomers to Neighbors.”
The book sheds light on the Middle Eastern immigrant’s experience in Southern California.
Stacy Rasmussen November 14, 2019

On Thursday afternoon in the Andrews Banquet Room, Biola students welcomed people of different ethnicities and religious backgrounds to open up a dialogue surrounding their newly finished book, “Newcomers to Neighbors.” BOOK RELEASE  A group of students worked for an entire semester on a book...

Torrey Conference takes off with exploration of “Incarnate”

On the first day of Torrey Conference, students and speakers examined the meaning of "Incarnation," applying this theology to daily life.
Kaylee Galvez, Maria Weyne, and Brittany Ung October 9, 2019

To kick off this year’s Torrey Conference, students gathered in the Chase Gymnasium to explore the theme “Incarnate” as a noun, adjective and verb. Filling the bleachers and gym floor, the Biola community beamed with anticipation for what the first session had in store.  DANCE AND WORSHIP The...

Let’s be honest about cheating

Though cheating and plagiarism exist, students should maintain academic integrity.
With the rise of the internet and heightened pressures on college students, universities must consider these factors’ effects on academic integrity.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor October 9, 2019

Cheating and plagiarism exist at every level of education. The temptation to get a quick and easy grade is alluring. Cheating even occurs at Biola, where students profess to be Christians.  Plagiarism is highly reprimanded in higher education, however, students—despite understanding the repercussions...

First ever “I Heart Biola” week celebrates school’s 111th birthday

First ever “I Heart Biola” week celebrates school’s 111th birthday
The Student Alumni Association sponsored a new event to spread appreciation of staff and faculty.
Carly Grider, Freelance Writer April 17, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Feb. 28, 2019). Biola’s inaugural “I Heart Biola” week, put on by the Student Alumni Association, took place during the week of Feb. 25-28. This week of events, held in conjunction with Biola’s 111th birthday, was created to provide a space for...

Getting involved is worth the sacrifice

Getting involved is worth the sacrifice
Before you graduate, take advantage of the many opportunities you have to grow yourself and impact Biola’s campus.
Austin Green, Managing Editor March 15, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on March 14, 2019). On March 12, the United States Department of Justice brought criminal charges against 50 people involved in a scheme to get undeserving students from wealthy families into expensive, competitive colleges. Reaction to the news on...

Enrollment hopes boost budget

Executive vice president of University Operations and Finance Mike Pierce leads the search for a new EMC vice president.
Budget decisions are being made with anticipation of higher enrollment numbers next year.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager March 2, 2019

With the deadline for a balanced budget arriving on May 19, financial decisions regarding the coming fiscal year are in the process of being made.   Each year, a balanced budget must be presented before the Board of Trustees providing details for the coming fiscal year, which starts on July 1. While...

SGA Rundown: Senate talk proposals on limited budget

SGA Rundown: Senate talk proposals on limited budget
Senators made decisions concerning budget buffering, leisure lounge, a senior thesis film and the Biola Film Festival in this week’s senate meeting.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager February 15, 2019

Following a session of open proposals last week, Thursday’s Student Government Association senate meeting gave four decisions while considering dwindling budget money. BUFFER AMOUNT CHANGES The first proposal senators discussed was regarding the decision to reduce, eliminate or maintain the budget...