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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola, choose: pay more or require less

Biola, choose: pay more or require less
Residence Life should not place unproportional expectations on students working as Resident Advisors.
Samantha Gassaway, Staff Manager November 28, 2017

Resident Advisors present a unique hurdle struggling students must overcome to seek help. Rather than presenting a warm, invitational atmosphere meant to comfort the model student-in-need, intimidation often characterizes speaking to an RA—especially in times of additional strife. Biola Residence...

Beyond, the future for generations

Jacob Knopf/ THE CHIMES
Next year’s Torrey topic has yet to be determined, with current planners recouping and regrouping.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer October 26, 2016
Next year’s Torrey topic has yet to be determined, with current planners recouping and regrouping.

Wage raise will affect future student workers

Infographic by Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
Nearly all student workers impacted as minimum wage increases to $15 by 2022.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer April 13, 2016
Nearly all student workers impacted as minimum wage increases to $15 by 2022.

Working does not point to lower GPA

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
A survey of working undergraduate students show they feel working has little effect on their grades.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer December 9, 2015
A survey of working undergraduate students show they feel working has little effect on their grades.

Behind the black visors

Junior pre-health care professional major Christina Chin holds up a tray at the Biola Café.  | Johnathan Burkhardt/THE CHIMES
Cafeteria workers serve Biola community in challenging environment.
Monica Kochan, Writer November 13, 2014
Cafeteria workers serve Biola community in challenging environment.

Students of the silver screen

Ryan Grant (‘06) both acts in and works behind the scenes on the film. | Courtesy Ryan Schneider
Alumni reflect on Biola’s influence in wake of independent film premier.
Jessica Reynolds, Writer November 12, 2014
Alumni reflect on Biola’s influence in wake of independent film premier.

Hands Around Biola : Event Services

Junior business major Josh Morris has been working with event services since his freshman year. "Most of the time I feel like I'm not seen, that I'm just another facilities worker. I don't mind that part of it, it's kind of nice to be under the radar a little bit," Morris said. | Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES
A glimpse into the lives of those working in event services.
Jenna Schmidt, Writer September 2, 2014
A glimpse into the lives of those working in event services.