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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Aging is tough. How does it affect us?

Society holds men and women to different beauty standards as they age.
Here's how aging is viewed negatively for women and what college students can do to reconsider the process.
Emily Coffey and Hannah Larson, Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief October 27, 2022

As women grow older, society’s conventional wisdom is for them to dye their hair, put on makeup and engage in a variety of activities to appear younger than they really are in a futile, misguided search for eternal youth. On the other hand, men attain a sense of mature glamor in the eyes of society...

“Parasite” invites audiences into laughter and horror

While Bong's international satirical-thriller presents comedic elements, it also takes audiences through a dark journey of difficult socioeconomic differences.
The Korean comedy-thriller is a metaphoric masterpiece that displays a universal dystopia.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor October 18, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Oct. 17, 2019). As the exposure between the poor and the rich remains a common theme in modern films, “Parasite” brings a distinct perspective of the commonly viewed “evil” high-class through a comedic, yet thrilling story of the problematic...

Misrepresentation of women in the media: Why men need to stop treating women like objects

Misrepresentation of women in the media: Why men need to stop treating women like objects
Women in the media have been misrepresented by men as being nothing but their beauty and their body.
Melanie Flores, Freelance Writer April 12, 2019

In the film “Sex and the City,” one of the main protagonists, Miranda Hobbes, said, “the only two choices for women are witch and sexy kitten,” with Carrie Bradshaw replying, “You just said a mouthful there, sister.” And indeed, she did. Thanks to the media, society views women to be one...

Culture strips church of identity

Culture strips church of identity
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 13, 2018

Over spring break, B Street Theatre opened a new season featuring the play "Gandhi!", a story about a middle school boy in detention who must read Gandhi's autobiography. In each passing scene, Monhondus begins to delight in the lessons of his people’s ancestor. The play climaxes with Monhondus...

Rethinking masculinity: It is okay to cry

Tim Seeberger/THE CHIMES
The emotionally relieving act helps break down societal stigmas.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 16, 2017
The emotionally relieving act helps break down societal stigmas.

Society produces leadership skills

Photo courtesy of Dawson Hoppes
NSLS leaders and student members find the society a success.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer October 26, 2016
NSLS leaders and student members find the society a success.

CMR changes the marriage game

Recent conference integrates biblical teaching, science and practicality in their marriage conference.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer October 12, 2016
Recent conference integrates biblical teaching, science and practicality in their marriage conference.

Building an ethos of diversity at Biola

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
A diverse student population is necessary for a healthy university.
President Barry Corey, Writer October 4, 2016
A diverse student population is necessary for a healthy university.

Leadership society begins Biola chapter

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
The National Society of Leadership and Success kickstarts campus chapter to offer leadership and career opportunities.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer September 30, 2015
The National Society of Leadership and Success kickstarts campus chapter to offer leadership and career opportunities.

Society needs lawyers, especially Christian ones

Illustration by David Rhee/THE CHIMES
Our society needs Christian lawyers who will view law as a ministry through which they are able to love and serve God.
Elle Reed, Writer May 11, 2015
Our society needs Christian lawyers who will view law as a ministry through which they are able to love and serve God.