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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

So, we overturned Roe vs. Wade. Now what?

The court's reversal of the Roe v. Wade ruling has saved and impacted lives across the country.
While the overturning of Roe vs. Wade appears to be a good start, it is simply not enough in order to save unborn lives.
Zoe Ware, Freelance Writer January 26, 2023

In June of 2022, the Supreme Court made the unexpected decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which was the case law that federally protected women’s right to abortion. Now, abortion is no longer considered a constitutional right, and each state will determine whether they will continue to allow abortions. While...

Will Roe v. Wade affect access to contraceptives?

Will Roe v. Wade affect access to contraceptives?
Lauren Good, Staff Writer September 17, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade sparked controversy and concern among many United States citizens. With the notable legislation removed after having been established for many years, those who are concerned wonder what will come next. Other legislation has come into...

Russian troop buildup sparks concern of invasion

Russian troop buildup sparks concern of invasion
Supreme Court hears arguments on abortion case and Senator Robert Dole dies.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2021

Between 95,000 and 100,000 Russian troops have amassed on the border between Russia and Ukraine, leading to warnings from the Biden administration that the Russian military may be planning to invade Ukraine as soon as 2022. United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. plans to react...

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies
The Heartbeat Act ensures that a child with a heartbeat will be allowed to take their first breath.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 13, 2021

Imagine the sound of a small heartbeat in the hospital’s empty hallways. Imagine the future of the unborn child—there are endless possibilities. They will grow up to have passions, pursue careers, form relationships and become their own person. They might struggle in life, as everyone does, but they...

Feinstein’s shocking statistics misrepresent the abortion debate

Illustration of Brett Kavanaugh
Amid a heavily distorted debate, the anti-abortion position is gleaning its first light.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor September 10, 2018

On Sep. 5, Sen. Dianne Feinstein began probing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s position on Roe v. Wade by providing shocking statistics. “In the last two decades before Roe,” Feinstein said, “deaths from illegal abortions in this country ran between 200,000 and 1.2 million,” per...