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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Eagles phase back to their nest for Spring 2021

Eagles phase back to their nest for Spring 2021
As the spring semester commences, students prepare to return to a now virus-regulated campus.
Maria Weyne, News Editor January 29, 2021

On Dec. 10, President Barry Corey announced that students would finally begin moving back onto campus in an email. Corey listed three phases in which students would be able to move into on-campus housing. PHASED RETURN Phase one allows NCAA athletes and pre-approved students to move back onto campus...

RAs, the superheroes of dorm life

Sophomore Intercultural Studies Major and Thompson Hall RA Erica Manhe is ready to welcome her residents to her room at any time.
By providing numerous services to the Biola community, RAs create a lasting impact on their residents.
Angela Hom, Freelance Writer October 23, 2018

This story was originally published in print on Oct. 18, 2018. Resident Advisors walk past students in the hall, the Caf and from class to class. They are students like the rest of us, but their commitment to resident life sets them apart from the student body. The care they place into every task...

Day in the Life: A grad student commuter’s life

Courtesy of Ariel Bollant
Whether students drive or walk to commute, they must prepare for a full day of classes.
Malchiel-Melchior La’ Viollette, Writer April 5, 2017
Whether students drive or walk to commute, they must prepare for a full day of classes.

Students need more open hours

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Biola residents need to voice their opinion to encourage positive change.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 2, 2017
Biola residents need to voice their opinion to encourage positive change.

Transfer students discover community

Photo courtesy of Rebekah Diller
Sometimes learning to live in a new campus culture can educate you more than class.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer March 1, 2016
Sometimes learning to live in a new campus culture can educate you more than class.