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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The misrepresentation and underrepresentation of Asians in film

The misrepresentation and underrepresentation of Asians in film
Pierce Singgih, Editor-in-Chief (Fall 2019) March 14, 2018

The misrepresentation of Asians in film dates back to the early history of Hollywood where Asians were portrayed with a white ethnocentric perception. Although times are progressing, whitewashing Asian characters remains prevalent in the media today. A HISTORY OF RACISM History dates to the events...

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” banned in American prisons

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” banned in American prisons
Call out systematic, structural racism and you might just get banned.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 31, 2018

While researchers at Pew Research center have recently claimed the number of black Americans imprisoned has declined substantially within America, almost by 25 percent since 2009, a general fear seems to exist in prison systems when the term “New Jim Crow” is used. PRISONS BANNING BOOKS Particularly,...

Dear white people

Caitlin Blackmon/THE CHIMES
Even majority culture has a place in the race conversation.
Danielle Brimmage, Writer October 11, 2017
Even majority culture has a place in the race conversation.

Beyond the Bubble: Recovering from Charlottesville

Students respond to nationwide effects of racism.
Dempsey Floria, Writer September 13, 2017
Students respond to nationwide effects of racism.

Protest music proliferates under Trump administration

Courtesy of
Students can use music as a form of political resistance.
Justin Yun, Writer March 15, 2017
Students can use music as a form of political resistance.

Make the alternative right wrong again

Nonviolent mass resistance necessary to prevent normalization of bigotry.
Justin Yun, Writer February 15, 2017
Nonviolent mass resistance necessary to prevent normalization of bigotry.

Repair requires rapidity

SCORR bridges racial breaches, but awareness wavers.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer February 14, 2017
SCORR bridges racial breaches, but awareness wavers.

Resistance against racism begins with education
The hateful rhetoric fostered by the presidential election is rooted in our nation’s past sins.
Justin Yun, Writer November 17, 2016
The hateful rhetoric fostered by the presidential election is rooted in our nation’s past sins.

Moral integrity requires students resist Trump administration

Maddi Seyfarth/ THE CHIMES
The health of American democracy predicates on our ability to challenge right-wing reactionaries.
Justin Yun, Writer November 17, 2016
The health of American democracy predicates on our ability to challenge right-wing reactionaries.

Trump fosters fear and xenophobia

Justin Yun/ THE CHIMES
History of racial oppression can warn us about a Trump presidency.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
History of racial oppression can warn us about a Trump presidency.

Prison abolitionists and activists stand against mass incarceration

Justin Yun/ THE CHIMES
Prison abolitionists and activists stand against mass incarceration.
Justin Yun, Writer September 13, 2016
Prison abolitionists and activists stand against mass incarceration.

Diverse panel answers student questions

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Students gathered to ask questions and consider different perspectives about diversity and race at Biola.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer May 9, 2016
Students gathered to ask questions and consider different perspectives about diversity and race at Biola.