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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

We are still facing the harmful repercussions of purity culture

We are still facing the harmful repercussions of purity culture
Younger generations are still navigating sexual morality in a culture of shame.
Addison Freiheit, Staff Writer April 11, 2021

Everyone enters conversations about sex with a different framework—the church you grew up in, your dating history, and even your parents’ marriage influences your perspective on love and physical intimacy. The same can be said of “purity culture,” which can be defined in our modern context by...

Another Victorian Era of morality is upon us

Another Victorian Era of morality is upon us
Political correctness brings our century-long experiment with loose living full circle.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer April 6, 2019

An oft-repeated fable about the Victorian period suggests that members of English high society placed tablecloths over intricately carved table legs out of fear they would be considered too sexually evocative. Although this story is a myth, it exemplifies the widely-perceived—and to a certain extent...

Toxic masculinity vs. masculine toxicity

Toxic masculinity vs. masculine toxicity
The Gillette ad does not belittle masculinity–rather it calls us to purify it.
Andrew Morgan, Freelance Writer February 7, 2019

Gillette—yes, Gillette, the razor company—released a 60-second ad on Jan. 13 addressing “toxic masculinity.” Reactions have varied. Some support the message, some reject it and some think Gillette should lay off the activism and stick to selling razors. Whether a razor company should be engaging...

Christian universities have a solution to “Yes means Yes”

Christian universities have a solution to “Yes means Yes”
Christian virtue ethics is the missing link for proper sexual relations.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor November 5, 2018

This story was originally published in print on Nov. 1, 2018. Though there is not much evidence to support the claim, it is often assumed that college campuses are ground zero for sexual assault. What lends legitimacy to this claim is that colleges do sit at the intersection of dangerous crossroads:...

Why the letter accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault falls flat

Photo Courtesy of
Without substantiating evidence, sexual assault claims revert to the most abusive form of mob justice.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor September 19, 2018

On Sept. 13, Sen. Dianne Feinstein forwarded a secret letter to the FBI, claiming it concerned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Despite the ambiguity of the letter, it has been argued as an attempt to smear Kavanaugh. HOW THE STORY WAS RELEASED Last Wednesday, The Intercept claimed that Feinstein...

New office prepares Sexual Assault Awareness month

Dawn White
Title IX coordinators face an important task as Biola participates in a national initiative.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2018

As the #MeToo and It’s On Us movements give momentum to educational efforts, Biola will commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness month through its new Title IX office starting on April 9. NEW YEAR, NEW OFFICE While the university has previously held the initiative, this instance will see the...

The church ‘deals’ with sexual assault

The church ‘deals’ with sexual assault
Grace is not prison and counseling is not consequence.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 30, 2018

We all remember the Duggars: a family who had represented the extremely conservative qualities of the Christian faith until May of 2002. The eldest Duggar child, Josh, then began to come forward with multiple confessions of sexually assaulting victims—including his younger sisters—to his parents. Below...

Beyond the bubble: Women across Asia voice their stories of sexual assault

While #MeToo often brings up images of Hollywood, the movement has begun to reach much farther, including into countries where women may risk their lives to demand greater protections. Many women in China have begun to stand up in solidarity, despite opposition from the ruling Communist Party. The government has responded by censoring news sources and monitoring the internet for phrases having to do with anti-sexual harassment and a #MeTooChina, warning the participants they could be labeled as traitors. More and more women have shared their personal stories directly online, however, causing unrest not only within the government, but also among a handful of accused university officials who may lose their jobs. “We’re not brave enough to stand out as one individual. But together, we can be strong,” said Sophia Huang Xuequin, a journalist in southern China, to the New York Times. This trend has continued in Japan as well, where rape and sexual assault are often depicted in pornogaraphic materials used for sex education. While the crime rates appear low on paper compared to the United States, Japanese citizens are reportedly less likely to report an assault, due to a lack of education on topics like date rape, consent and sexual violence. Last month in Pakistan, women fought to unban the movie “Verna,” which depicts the story of a teacher who faces sexual assault, and later takes the matter into her own hands after receiving no help from the authorities. Originally banned for “edgy content,” Pakistani women made a public outcry fueled by social media to get the ban lifted.
As #MeToo continues to grow in the US, it has begun to encourage conversations in several different countries.
Jana Eller, Office Manager January 25, 2018

Survivors speak out

Survivor's marchers, one holding a sign: "Don't be a dick. Support survivors."
Thousands attend the #MeToo Survivor’s March and rally.
Jessica Goddard, Features Editor November 14, 2017

“I’m over being polite about rape. It’s been too long now. We have been too understanding. We need it to end now,” actress Frances Fisher’s voice echoed through the microphone into the streets of Hollywood, where thousands of women and men stood wearing shirts, pins, hats or signs reading “Me...

Christians should seek to redefine assault

The idea of purity has negatively influenced our general response to sexual assault.
Hannah Harkness, Writer October 30, 2017
The idea of purity has negatively influenced our general response to sexual assault.

Sit in the discomfort: the casting couch

Harvey Weinstein scandal promotes #metoo conversation.
Cristina Schmitter, Writer October 24, 2017
Harvey Weinstein scandal promotes #metoo conversation.