Catch up on the summer’s hottest films

If you missed out on any summer flicks, be sure to catch up with these five essentials.
Chris Charpentier, Staff Writer
• September 5, 2019
Go see “Avengers: Endgame.” ‘Nuff said.

The biggest movie of the year delivers a thrilling conclusion to an 11-year project.
Caleb Aguilera, Freelance Writer
• May 1, 2019
Marvel’s Phase 3 stands above the rest

As the MCU’s latest era comes to an end, it deserves respect as the best to date.
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer
• March 16, 2019
“Captain Marvel” soars above expectations

The “Infinity War” follow-up excites through stunning action and fully-rounded characters.
Jacob Allen, Freelance Writer
• March 12, 2019
Excelsior! The Loss of a Legend

Stan Lee, founder and face of Marvel Comics, passes away at 95.
Russell Spacy, Freelance Writer
• November 13, 2018
Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker is what DC needs for revival

Reimagined and retwisted, director Todd Phillips provides first look into Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker.
Pierce Singgih, Editor-in-Chief (Fall 2019)
• September 22, 2018
Groundbreaking superhero movies before “Black Panther”

From 1989 to 2018, superhero films have been breaking and setting trends.
Caleb Aguilera, A&E Editor
• March 7, 2018
“Thor: Ragnarok” thunders into theatres

The god of thunder’s third outing suffers from an uninspired plot and forgettable villain.
Caleb Aguilera, Writer
• November 7, 2017
Directors in the blockbuster age

The importance of directors shrinks due to emphasis on franchises and blockbusters.
Caleb Aguilera, Writer
• October 24, 2017
James Gunn’s sequel leaves contemporaries lightyears behind

“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” takes top box office spot with hilarity and an engaging story.
Caleb Aguilera, Writer
• May 9, 2017
Marvel’s “Iron Fist” fails to hit the mark

The last hero to join The Defenders does not live up to his predecessors.
Caleb Aguilera, Writer
• March 28, 2017
Logan redefines heroism

Trying to escape his violent past, Logan finds peace.
Robert Heckert, Writer
• March 14, 2017
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It was lively and exciting at the Caf on Feb. 19 as Chef Wars was well underway during the lunch hour. Students tried dishes by executive chefs...