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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters

SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters
Senate adds auxiliary positions and promotes spring athletics.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor February 28, 2019

After staging a Leisure Lounge event on Wednesday and debriefing from their attendance at Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation conference last weekend, Student Government Association spent their last meeting before spring break proposing new auxiliary positions and addressing a spring athletic proposal...

SGA Rundown: Senate cuts Biolathon funding

The new SGA logo
Senators voted on four proposals and passed all but the final one after expressing concerns about Biolathon’s format and appeal.
Austin Green, Managing Editor November 16, 2018

In the Student Government Association senate’s last meeting before Thanksgiving, senators evaluated the four external proposals submitted last Thursday, passing three of them while denying one—the senate’s first denial of a proposal this school year. Bids to fund the 23rd annual Student Conference...