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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The church should offer women Christ’s freedom

The church should offer women Christ’s freedom
Women’s History Month allows evangelicals to re-open gender debates.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor March 20, 2018

With Women’s History Month posts circling and days set aside specifically for women empowerment, many reactions are beautiful to behold: men thanking their wives, uncles texting their nieces, sisters hugging sisters. But when these days of women empowerment meet the evangelical eyeroll, a question...

American Christians perpetuate myth of American Exceptionalism
Students should ponder the effects of nationalism and religion in the Trump era.
Justin Yun, Writer May 4, 2017
Students should ponder the effects of nationalism and religion in the Trump era.

Evangelicals must not fear politics

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.
Lewis Waha, Writer February 17, 2016
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.

Purity culture mirrors sexual abuse

Photo illustration by Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
The modesty and purity movements within the evangelical church stunted a generation’s ability to face and understand their sexuality without shame.
Joe West, Writer March 18, 2015
The modesty and purity movements within the evangelical church stunted a generation’s ability to face and understand their sexuality without shame.