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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Self-promotional advertisements deceive voters

Self-promotional advertisements deceive voters
As presidential candidates increasingly use digital platforms to promote their campaign, voters should learn to fact-check self-promotional information.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor October 28, 2019

Candidates of the 2020 presidential election are spending millions of dollars on their campaigns to reach as many people as possible through social media. President Trump has spent $3.5 million in Facebook advertisements, as well as $1 million in Google advertisements since 2016 for the 2020 election,...

Trump’s move on Golan Heights is a political victory

Trump’s move on Golan Heights is a political victory
Recognizing Israeli control over Golan Heights is a strategic political move by the Trump administration.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor April 18, 2019

A few weeks ago, President Donald Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. This resulted in a global backlash, led by France and Germany, but quickly supported by Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria. Professor of history and Middle Eastern studies Judith Mendelsohn-Rood, urges us to...

Why Donald Trump needs to win in 2020

President Trump is the improbable common sense candidate.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer March 30, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Mar. 28, 2019). On Aug. 6, 2015, the 10 highest-polling Republican presidential candidates stood on a stage in Cleveland, Ohio to face the nation. Among the candidates were five governors, three senators, one neurosurgeon, and a billionaire and reality...

Governor Newsom resorts to extortion tactics to punish Orange County cities

gavin newsom
The next grassroots movement should be to re-empower cities to fight back against the state of California.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 29, 2019

Despite California Governor Gavin Newsom’s criticism over President Donald Trump’s threats to pull funding from California, Newsom has attacked California cities in the same fashion. While conservatives are often well-versed in the debate between state rights and federal rights, few are aware...

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Political unity will only be brought about by firm victory—a victory by a new Abraham Lincoln.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 11, 2018
What should have marked the final push to depoliticize the Supreme Court has ended by returning the prodigal match to our political arsonists. President Trump, during the Kavanaugh hearing, mocked Dr. Ford’s testimony by mimicking her during his rally. Hillary Clinton recently called for the end of political civility until the Democratic Party has regained power in congress. Sen. Corey Booker argued whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.” What should have ended political polarization has marked the beginning of a political cold war. A decisive victory must be won. But how? By whom?

Snakes, Spartacus and the government we deserve

President Donald Trump and the representation of the United States politics.
We only have ourselves to blame for the state of American politics.
Eric Nimmo, Freelance Writer September 12, 2018

Politics has been anything but boring lately. Almost a week and a half has gone by since former President George Bush and former President Barack Obama showed bipartisan support at the late Sen. John McCain’s funeral as they opined concerns for lack of civility in politics. However, the bipartisanship...

Orange County votes to join federal lawsuit against California

Orange County votes to join federal lawsuit against California
County officials believe California sanctuary laws violate their oath to uphold the United States’ Constitution.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor April 3, 2018

You go to In-N-Out and order a double-double. After receiving your burger, you notice it is not fully cooked, the meat is red and blood appears to be dripping onto the wrapper. Flagging down an associate, you request another burger because yours appears undercooked. The associate responds, “Oh, you...

eyond the Bubble: North Korea opens denuclearization discussion

A photoillustration of a student popping a bubble.
After months of high tensions with Kim Jong-un, President Trump will meet with him in May.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief March 14, 2018

East Asia is holding its breath after President Donald Trump announced he would participate in the first meeting between sitting leaders of the United States and North Korea. AN UNEASY PEACE South Korean officials announced North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has offered to cease nuclear and missile...

Trump supports March for Life

Trump supports March for Life
“The most pro-life President in American history” encroaches on right to liberty.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 6, 2018

According to Fox News, on Friday Jan. 19, President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Rose Garden, which was live-streamed to those at the March for Life at the National Mall. PRO-LIFE PRESIDENT “The first-ever live speech by a president to the pro-life activists of the annual March for Life...

Polarized politics stifle free speech
Students can learn the value of free speech from its condemnation at Berkeley earlier this year.
Lucas Weaver, Writer May 9, 2017
Students can learn the value of free speech from its condemnation at Berkeley earlier this year.

That Time I… was thrown into conservative chaos

Courtesy of Brooke Carlucci
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.
Brooke Carlucci, Writer March 8, 2017
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.

The people order back

Photo Courtesy of Biola Magazine
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer February 15, 2017
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.