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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Candidates lose political civility in debate
Disparaging remarks from each candidate highlight lack of character.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 5, 2016
Disparaging remarks from each candidate highlight lack of character.

America welcomes European influence
Alumnus Zurich Lewis argues our political debate mirrors Europe’s now more than ever.
Zurich Lewis, Writer March 22, 2016
Alumnus Zurich Lewis argues our political debate mirrors Europe’s now more than ever.

U.S. wages war against ideas

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer December 1, 2015
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.

Sanders’ popularity represents U.S. discontent
More people feel positively about Bernie Sanders’ plans for a socialist America.
Justin Yun, Writer October 14, 2015
More people feel positively about Bernie Sanders’ plans for a socialist America.