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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Athlete of the Week: Swim’s Nicole Chang

The freshman had a meet to remember last weekend, breaking two school records in an impressive display of speed.
Joel Ashor, Sports Editor December 5, 2018

It usually takes a year or two for a college athlete to develop into a top-tier competitor. It takes a lot of work to get to that high level of competition, but freshman Nicole Chang has wasted no time establishing herself in the conference and on the Eagles’ squad. The freshman phenom had a record-shattering...

Swim gets a boost for NCAA

Jacob Knopf/THE CHIMES [file]
The Eagles hope to start Division II competition with a big splash.
Austin Green, Managing Editor May 9, 2017
The Eagles hope to start Division II competition with a big splash.

New era for Biola swim begins

A first-year swim coach sits poised to lead the Eagles into a bright future.
Austin Green, Managing Editor November 1, 2016
A first-year swim coach sits poised to lead the Eagles into a bright future.

Swim struggles to break the ice

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
The women’s swim team records two losses after a two-day meet against University of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Jehn Kubiak, Writer November 5, 2015
The women’s swim team records two losses after a two-day meet against University of Fairbanks, Alaska.

Swim faces tough competition

Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES
The Biola men’s and women’s swim team record strong finishes despite difficulty in rising above other teams.
Jehn Kubiak, Writer October 27, 2015
The Biola men’s and women’s swim team record strong finishes despite difficulty in rising above other teams.