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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Winsome Conviction Project hosts postelection events

Winsome Conviction Project hosts postelection events
Panelists discuss political opinions while emphasizing the need for unity both nationally and within the Christian church.
Ashley Grams and Maria Weyne November 10, 2020

The Winsome Conviction Project hosted With Malice Towards None, a YouTube livestream event designed to encourage postelection communication and unity.  The event featured a panel of guest speakers including; Director of Intercultural Education and Research Walter Augustine, professor of philosophy...

Servant leadership surpasses corrupt politics

Secretary Pompeo Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
With recent news of corruption in government, politicians should adopt an attitude of service in leadership positions.
Amanda Frese, Opinions Editor December 9, 2019

Quid pro quo. Bribery. Fraud. Misconduct. Abuse of power. Within the past few months, these terms have been increasingly used in the media in reference to crimes of politicians. President Donald Trump currently faces impeachment due to accusations of abuses of power in a case of quid pro quo, or exchange...

Have an uncomfortable Thanksgiving

Have an uncomfortable Thanksgiving
It is not about what you know or who you know, but about what you do that counts.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor November 18, 2018

“You never know what you have until it's gone” is a sobering proverb about missed opportunities. It is also a hopeful proverb, explain that when things are taken away, there is opportunity to learn. When I studied abroad in England, I celebrated an “American Thanksgiving,” hosted by a local...

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Political unity will only be brought about by firm victory—a victory by a new Abraham Lincoln.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 11, 2018
What should have marked the final push to depoliticize the Supreme Court has ended by returning the prodigal match to our political arsonists. President Trump, during the Kavanaugh hearing, mocked Dr. Ford’s testimony by mimicking her during his rally. Hillary Clinton recently called for the end of political civility until the Democratic Party has regained power in congress. Sen. Corey Booker argued whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.” What should have ended political polarization has marked the beginning of a political cold war. A decisive victory must be won. But how? By whom?