Biola Tennis Center begins expansion

The Eagles get funding to add more courts and video streaming technology.
Andi Basista, News Editor
• March 14, 2019
Brewing a better fundraiser

Boba for Missions uses tea to alleviate the steep cost of missions trips.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor
• March 14, 2019
Fever Joy calls the shots

Avery Robitaille’s three-piece pop-rock band is quickly rising in the independent music scene.
Pierce Singgih, Editor-in-Chief (Fall 2019)
• March 14, 2019
‘Jesus saves’ and stickers serve

A student creates a way to raise money for disaster relief, a new laptop and missions.
Rachel Gaugler, Freelance Writer
• February 28, 2019
“The Marriage of Figaro” entertains, challenges and represents

Vocal and orchestra departments unite in operatic symphony for Mozart’s 1786 classic.
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer
• February 2, 2019
SPA hits the road with flag football champs

For the first time in school history, a Biola intramural team took on champions from three different schools.
Andi Basista, News Editor
• February 2, 2019
Clean up crew comes through

Students helped clean up Joshua Tree during the government shutdown.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019)
• February 1, 2019
Corey’s Corner: The sleep factor

President Corey explains sleep does not make you weak, but is meant for the week.
President Barry Corey
• February 1, 2019
Why worldly power corrupts, but kingdom power sanctifies

To influence and lead in our world today demands that we reimagine the nature of kingdom power.
Kyle Strobel
• February 1, 2019
‘You are still wanted’

A student shares about how she covered her college bills through GoFundMe during a strenuous time.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor
• January 31, 2019
Teachers strike back

Teachers and students return to their classrooms after a strike that lasted six school days.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager
• January 31, 2019
Everything Eagles: Worst to First? Not so fast

Men’s basketball still faces a long road to the top of the PacWest.
Austin Green, Managing Editor
• January 31, 2019
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It was lively and exciting at the Caf on Feb. 19 as Chef Wars was well underway during the lunch hour. Students tried dishes by executive chefs...