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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

America’s education system is inadequate

America’s education system is inadequate
In a global comparison of educational systems America falls behind.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer March 17, 2015
In a global comparison of educational systems America falls behind.

Celebrate women

Photo illustration by Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Highlight the accomplishments of women.
Catherine Streng, Writer March 17, 2015
Highlight the accomplishments of women.

Perspective on public service

Perspective on public service
A former La Mirada City Councilman and Biola alum offers perspective on his 16 years serving on council and as mayor.
Steve Jones, Writer March 17, 2015
A former La Mirada City Councilman and Biola alum offers perspective on his 16 years serving on council and as mayor.

Missions can harm more than help

Illustration by Jenna Schmidt/THE CHIMES
Remember to focus on how to best serve the needs of others when deployed on missions, instead of on your experience.
Kaitlin Lanning, Writer March 11, 2015
Remember to focus on how to best serve the needs of others when deployed on missions, instead of on your experience.

Let them buy bras

Let them buy bras
Biola’s Internet filtering borders on sexism when it stops women from shopping for necessary clothing items.
Catherine Streng, Writer March 11, 2015
Biola’s Internet filtering borders on sexism when it stops women from shopping for necessary clothing items.

Poverty stereotypes lead to misconceptions

Breigha Sawyer warns that our preconceived notions about the world should not color serving abroad. | Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Our preconceived notions about the world should not color serving abroad.
Breigha Sawyer, Writer March 10, 2015
Our preconceived notions about the world should not color serving abroad.

Where are you from?

Origin is important to our identities and is about more than geographic locations. | Illustration by Kristin Paulson/THE CHIMES
Origin is important to our identities and is about more than geographic locations.
Zurich Lewis, Writer March 10, 2015
Origin is important to our identities and is about more than geographic locations.

The U.S. needs missions too

The U.S. needs missions too
Our nation is seen by others in the world as depraved, so why do we send more missionaries outside?
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer March 10, 2015
Our nation is seen by others in the world as depraved, so why do we send more missionaries outside?

Ask the locals

Ask the locals
Keep tabs on your local government.
Zurich Lewis, Writer March 10, 2015
Keep tabs on your local government.

Think Globally, Act Globally

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
President Corey encourages students to pursue missions as a lifestyle.
President Barry Corey, Writer March 4, 2015
President Corey encourages students to pursue missions as a lifestyle.

Veganism can be unhealthy
Be aware of the risks when becoming a vegan.
Catherine Streng, Writer March 3, 2015
Be aware of the risks when becoming a vegan.

Appreciate every moment: lessons learned from Alzheimer’s
Watching a family member deal with a degenerative disease teaches one to appreciate the precious moments of life before they become memories.
Zurich Lewis, Writer March 3, 2015
Watching a family member deal with a degenerative disease teaches one to appreciate the precious moments of life before they become memories.