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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Guantanamo guilty of dehumanization
American and Christian values condemn GITMO’s practices.
Justin Yun, Writer December 1, 2015
American and Christian values condemn GITMO’s practices.

U.S. wages war against ideas

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer December 1, 2015
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.

Sorry, not sorry
Excessively saying “sorry” shows little confidence and lessens the word’s meaning.
Jenny Oetzell, Writer December 1, 2015
Excessively saying “sorry” shows little confidence and lessens the word’s meaning.

Killer whales not made for killer entertainment
Although Seaworld does some good, marine creatures’ health is crucial.
Cassie Roberts, Writer November 17, 2015
Although Seaworld does some good, marine creatures’ health is crucial.

Cycling deserves its popularity
Using a bicycle for transportation could solve a variety of urban problems.
Justin Yun, Writer November 17, 2015
Using a bicycle for transportation could solve a variety of urban problems.

Fracking fails the future

Infographic by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
While hydraulic fracturing fosters economic growth, it irreversibly damages the environment and human health.
Justin Yun, Writer November 17, 2015
While hydraulic fracturing fosters economic growth, it irreversibly damages the environment and human health.

Theology reigns as queen of sciences

Matthew Maitz/THE CHIMES
The study of God is not only important in humanities, but also most significant in the sciences.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer November 17, 2015
The study of God is not only important in humanities, but also most significant in the sciences.

We can glorify God through more than just “Christian music”

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Music, even if not explicitly Christian, still can depict the true and the beautiful.
President Barry Corey, Writer November 17, 2015
Music, even if not explicitly Christian, still can depict the true and the beautiful.

Scientists must acknowledge morality’s multiple dimensions

Scientists must acknowledge morality’s multiple dimensions
Lewis Waha responds to articles concluding that religious children are less moral than secular ones.
Lewis Waha, Writer November 11, 2015
Lewis Waha responds to articles concluding that religious children are less moral than secular ones.

Guns and college students do not mix

Infographic by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Firearms pose a greater danger on campuses than other locations.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer November 10, 2015
Firearms pose a greater danger on campuses than other locations.

Prison labor mirrors Jim Crows
Cheap work from inmates creates a new type of slavery.
Justin Yun, Writer November 10, 2015
Cheap work from inmates creates a new type of slavery.

Understand ISIS from the big picture

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
Jacqueline Lewis gives context of ISIS’s origins and argues for the importance of understanding the group.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer November 10, 2015
Jacqueline Lewis gives context of ISIS’s origins and argues for the importance of understanding the group.