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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Mocktail ban mocks students

Courtesy of Adam Washington
Drinking mocktails is not a sin.
Hannah Strandberg, Writer April 5, 2017
Drinking mocktails is not a sin.

Students do not expect homesickness

Maddi Seyfarth/THE CHIMES
Missing the accoutrements associated with home displays one’s need for love and connection.
Lucas Weaver, Writer April 4, 2017
Missing the accoutrements associated with home displays one’s need for love and connection.

Diversity talks facilitate racial reconciliation
The experience of students of color needs to be emphasized on campus.
Celeste Scott, Writer April 4, 2017
The experience of students of color needs to be emphasized on campus.

Find new ways to interact with free press
Students should look to independent news organizations.
Justin Yun, Writer March 29, 2017
Students should look to independent news organizations.

Students likely to become contingent workers in future
Changing economy challenges traditional notions of employment and job security.
Lucas Weaver, Writer March 29, 2017
Changing economy challenges traditional notions of employment and job security.

Rethinking Masculinity: Dress and immaturity

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Men need to mature their eyes rather making women cover up.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 29, 2017
Men need to mature their eyes rather making women cover up.

Preparing Biola for the future

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Implementing the academic calendar is an act of Christian stewardship.
President Barry Corey, Writer March 29, 2017
Implementing the academic calendar is an act of Christian stewardship.

“Diversity talk” is no longer effective
The over-emphasis of ethnic diversity does not effectively combat racism.
Jackson Reese, Writer March 29, 2017
The over-emphasis of ethnic diversity does not effectively combat racism.

Traditional dating norm perpetuates guilt

Brooks Ginnan/THE CHIMES
Benevolent sexism limits dating process for both men and women.
Lucas Weaver, Writer March 22, 2017
Benevolent sexism limits dating process for both men and women.

Advocacy for single payer healthcare system benefits students

Courtesy of
The proposed American Health Care Act is an inadequate solution to the Affordable Care Act.
Justin Yun, Writer March 22, 2017
The proposed American Health Care Act is an inadequate solution to the Affordable Care Act.

National Endowment for the Arts should not be defunded

Courtesy of
Art consumed by students will be affected by elimination of agency.
Justin Yun, Writer March 22, 2017
Art consumed by students will be affected by elimination of agency.

Rethinking Masculinity: Asking someone out is gender-neutral

Maddi Seyfarth/THE CHIMES
Students should dismantle barriers to asking another person on a date.
Justin Yun, Writer March 22, 2017
Students should dismantle barriers to asking another person on a date.