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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

California just made it harder for young professionals like me to find work

State Assembly Bill 5, or AB5 makes it hard for freelancers to find jobs.
AB5 makes life more difficult for California freelancers.
Austin Green, Managing Editor January 20, 2020

I had a vague concept of the new California law known as State Assembly Bill 5, or AB5, when I stumbled across a LinkedIn article written by a friend about the impact the bill would have on businesses in the state. Within minutes, I was down an internet rabbit hole reading employer watchdog websites...

Yes, it’s possible to get good grades, make money and stay healthy. Here’s how.

Here are some tips stay healthy during the course of the semester.
It is important to take time from the busyness of life for rest and reflection.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor January 17, 2020

The blaring alarm jolts me out of bed. 6:45 a.m. Shower. Class. Breakfast. Chapel. Class. Lunch. Homework. Class. Dinner. Gym. Hangout with friends. Call Mom. Bed. Repeat. As university students, we are constantly busy. We always have more on our plate than merely homework and classes. According to a...

Americans need to re-evaluate the concept of political discourse

Americans need to re-evaluate the concept of political discourse
A lack of healthy political discourse among Biolans and the United States prevents understanding and tolerance.
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer January 15, 2020

Recently, Time magazine announced that Greta Thunberg was its person of the year for 2019. President Donald Trump responded to the nomination with his disapproval via Twitter.  “So ridiculous,” he wrote. “Greta must work on her anger management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie...

Conflict between Iran and the US is far from causing World War III

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks on the death of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
The killing of Soleimani was justified and will not result in a war or significant numbers of additional deaths.
Marc DeJager, Staff Writer (Fall 2019) January 14, 2020

The first memes of the new decade were pretty much all about World War III. As funny as it was to read articles about the massive spike in Google searches for “how to dodge the draft,” it did strike me as more than a little ridiculous that several million young Americans, many of whom have never...

You will always love yourself

You should take time for self-care and love yourself.
Rather than practicing self-obsessed love, Christians should learn to love the new self that God has placed in us.
Marc DeJager, Staff Writer (Fall 2019) December 13, 2019

I have never had any single message pushed upon me more than self-love has been preached to me throughout my time at college. It seems I cannot go a full day without someone or something telling me to love myself or to value self-care. We see it constantly in popular culture. Whether it stems from Hailee...

How to best celebrate Christmas in Southern California

In local areas, check out nightly displays of Christmas lights.
Here are some ways that Biola students can kick off the holiday season in Southern California.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor December 11, 2019

Living in Southern California during December, many of us do not have the pleasure of waking up to a “white Christmas.” Instead of a Santa Claus who flies through snow and rain, he probably landed at LAX, opting to surf after a long night of gift deliveries. Regardless of the warm winter months and...

Servant leadership surpasses corrupt politics

Secretary Pompeo Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
With recent news of corruption in government, politicians should adopt an attitude of service in leadership positions.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor December 9, 2019

Quid pro quo. Bribery. Fraud. Misconduct. Abuse of power. Within the past few months, these terms have been increasingly used in the media in reference to crimes of politicians. President Donald Trump currently faces impeachment due to accusations of abuses of power in a case of quid pro quo, or exchange...

How to navigate family tension during the Christmas season

Here are some steps on how to avoid family tension during the Christmas season.
When you go home in a few weeks, keep these tips in mind when your relatives ask about career goals, politics or dating.
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer December 6, 2019

Right now, you’re most likely pushing through your eight-page paper or studying for a three-hour exam. But in a few weeks, you will be very happy to have those out of the way and finally go home. You and your family will be back together again once break begins, a fellowship that should be cherished...

President Donald Trump should not be allowed to “Make America Great Again”

President Donald Trump should not be allowed to “Make America Great Again”
Trump is not fit to be re-elected as president and American voters should consider a more moderate president.
Marc DeJager, Staff Writer (Fall 2019) December 6, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Dec. 5, 2019). Election season is fast approaching. Many Americans are dreading the 2020 presidential election, as they fear it will simply be a repeat of President Donald Trump’s election in 2016. In the Democratic debates, the elephant in the room...

Americans should allow Trump to keep making America great again

Americans should allow Trump to keep making America great again
President Donald Trump’s accomplishments throughout his last three years in office should earn him a second term.
Julianne Foster December 6, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Dec. 5, 2019). The phrase “there’s always someone who will hate you” will never be able to justify the rally of people who hate President Donald Trump. Trump’s tense relationship with the media, his inappropriate use of communication through...

Five steps to overcome stress

Here are five easy steps to manage stress.
As finals season approaches, integrate these easy practices into your studies to help relieve school-related anxieties.
Lily Journey, Freelance Writer December 4, 2019

Tired eyes drag across a glimmering screen as your fingers slowly pound away at the paper you’ve been putting off for a week. Fluorescent lights hum overhead with the incessant cracking of electric buzz, adding to the dungeon-like feel of the cold basement library.  A dingy particle-board cubicle...

The U.S. must support democracy in Hong Kong

People in Hong Kong protest in fear of Chinese oppression.
America must continue to support the Hong Kong protesters and condemn the human rights violations committed by Hong Kong police.
Marc DeJager, Staff Writer (Fall 2019) December 2, 2019

Since entering its current “one country, two systems” relationship with China, Hong Kong has had an adversarial relationship with the mainland. According to the Guardian, the most recent protests, sparked by the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill,...