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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Life as a young Christian student

Smith offeres advice to growing Christians in their college years.
September 18, 2010
Smith offeres advice to growing Christians in their college years.

Learning from the Quran

Even though Terry Jones changed his mind about burning the Quran, there may be more to learn from the event than meets the eye.
September 18, 2010
Even though Terry Jones changed his mind about burning the Quran, there may be more to learn from the event than meets the eye.

Social stigma about smoking weed reflects dangers

Entzminger reflects on how marijuana is often justified and responds with a few arguments of his own.
Andrew Oxenham, Writer September 16, 2010
Entzminger reflects on how marijuana is often justified and responds with a few arguments of his own.

Learning to let go

Fier shares his heart to see Biola students be honest about what they are holding onto and let it go to God.
Matthew Fier, Writer September 16, 2010
Fier shares his heart to see Biola students be honest about what they are holding onto and let it go to God.

Use common sense in Facebook privacy

When using facebook, Walker says, use common sense.
Elisa Walker, Writer September 15, 2010
When using facebook, Walker says, use common sense.

Staff Editorial: Obama politicises Iraq pullout

President Barack Obama recently announced the pullout of troops from Iraq, but the mission is far from over.
Chimes Staff, Writer September 11, 2010
President Barack Obama recently announced the pullout of troops from Iraq, but the mission is far from over.

To rent or not to rent?

To rent or not to rent?
Emily Sidnam investigates the Biola bookstore's new textbook rental program.
Emily Sidnam, Writer September 11, 2010
Emily Sidnam investigates the Biola bookstore's new textbook rental program.

Pray for Koran burners

Fier's proposed solution to the Koran burnings? Pray.
Matthew Fier, Writer September 9, 2010
Fier's proposed solution to the Koran burnings? Pray.

Opposing Viewpoints: Mosque on Ground Zero

Two students respond to the mosque being built on Ground Zero.
September 8, 2010
Two students respond to the mosque being built on Ground Zero.

Rallying around democracy

Sarah Jurkiewicz examines democracy in light of recent events around the nation.
Sarah Jurkiewicz, Writer September 8, 2010
Sarah Jurkiewicz examines democracy in light of recent events around the nation.

Praying for Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens visited Biola last spring to participate in a debate with Dr. Craig Hazen. | Kelsey Heng
Only months after visiting Biola last year, Christopher Hitchens has been diagnosed with throat cancer. The Christian community has responded in many different ways, as Arthur Daniels, Jr. outlines.
September 8, 2010
Only months after visiting Biola last year, Christopher Hitchens has been diagnosed with throat cancer. The Christian community has responded in many different ways, as Arthur Daniels, Jr. outlines.

Corey’s Corner: a new year’s zeal

Dr. Barry Corey discusses this year's excitement and zeal as we offer a new era in the school's history.
President Barry Corey, Writer September 7, 2010
Dr. Barry Corey discusses this year's excitement and zeal as we offer a new era in the school's history.