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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola cheese society hosts gourmet cheese gala

Approximately 80 students enjoyed a cheesy meal in the Café Banquet room during the semi-annual Cheese Gala last Wednesday night. Students dressed in their finest attire for the evening.
December 6, 2007

With the main attraction of the night being cheese, the Biola Honorable Cheese Society hosted the university’s first semi-annual Cheese Gala last Wednesday, Nov. 28. Tickets for the gala were sold out, and around 80 guests attended the event. The doors of the Café Banquet room opened at 6 p.m.,...

Man Opens fire at Omaha mall, killing 8 shoppers

Larissa Starchenko, an employee who was inside the Von Maur store when a gunman opened fire, is comforted by her daughter Yara, back, in Omaha, Neb., Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. Police locked down the Westroads mall in Omaha after nine people were shot dead Wednesday afternoon.
Shooter hoped to relieve burden of living and become famous
December 5, 2007

A man opened fire with a rifle at a busy department store Wednesday, killing eight people in an attack that made holiday shoppers run screaming through a mall and barricade themselves in dressing rooms. The young shooter, who left a note predicting, ''Now I'll be famous,'' wounded five others, two...

Atheism class provokes thought

Richard Dawkin's book is required reading for 'The New Athiesm', a 400 level class that was offered as a Bible elective at Biola in Fall 2007.
BIola offers Atheism 400
December 5, 2007

I decided to take a Bible elective for the first time this semester. One class in particular struck me as most likely to be terribly interesting: The New Atheism, a 400 class was being offered for the first time at Biola University. The class is structured to point out the flaws in mainstream atheist...

Christmas in SoCal: six must-sees

December 5, 2007

The end of the semester is upon us and while it may seem like the barrage of term papers and study sessions will never end, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel- Christmas is just around the corner. Despite having winters as warmer than many places’ summers, Southern California does...

AS Senate: No to dorm banners, second Chimes web editor

The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
December 5, 2007

Senate Meeting: 12/04/07 At the AS Senate's weekly Tuesday meetings senators give audience to parties requesting money, vote on pending proposals and discuss finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held Dec. 4. NEW PROPOSALS Yearbook editor-in-chief—$800 ...

Biola’s student magazine, The Point, on shelves Friday

December 4, 2007

Most students on campus are aware that Biola has a student newspaper. But its lesser-known cousin, The Point, is fast establishing itself as a premier source of journalism. The Chimes talked with Editor-in-Chief Liz Choi about how what students can expect to see when the once-per-semester magazine releases...

Dorms collect loose change for social justice organizations

A Change of Hope box hangs near the entrance of all the Hope Hall floors. The extra change from Hope Hall goes to the Sumba Foundation to help improve the quality of life for the people of Sumba.
December 4, 2007

Biola students may now think twice before spending their scrounged up change on a Snickers bar in the vending machine. Due to the work of A.S. senators and Residence Life staff, those extra coins can now be conveniently donated to help feed a hungry family or free a modern day slave. It just requires...

Skidding back home

Henry A.K.A Thunder, turned 57 years of age today, sits on bucket on the sidewalks of Skid Row while ex-skid row resident and new Biola student, Jose Villalpando ministers to him.
Biola students house a fellow student who happened to live on LA's Skid Row
December 3, 2007

Biola student José Villalpando makes a great first impression: he’s clean shaven, distinctly Hispanic, and remarkably articulate. With a firm handshake, he never hesitates to greet someone new. His calm and peaceful demeanor gives evidence to the inner working of God’s grace in his life. And even...

Campus display puts faces on worldwide AIDS epidemic

Hundreds of portraits were strung across Metzger Lawn Friday. The display, commemorating Saturday's World AIDS Day, was coordinated by Biola's Social Justice Ministry.
December 1, 2007

For students who attended Friday's chapel, a new perspective on the world AIDS epidemic came into play -- it's what Matt Gundlach, director of Biola's Social Justice Ministry (SJM), calls the “human aspect.” Chapel attendees watched a video in commemoration of the 20th annual World AIDS Day, which...

Tree Lighting Cancelled

The yellow suits that kept workers dry while preparing Friday morning for the annual Christmas tree lighting lay scattered around the decorated tree on Friday afternoon. The event has been rescheduled for Monday night.
Rained-out event rescheduled for Monday
November 30, 2007

Due to the continuous rainfall all day Friday the annual Christmas tree lighting which was scheduled for 6:30 tonight has been cancelled. "We are concerned for the safety of our employees and all guests," said Sara Faux, manager of Alumni Events and Volunteer Development, in an email sent out on Friday...

Facebook reveals personal purchases in news feeds

Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg speaks to press and advertising partners at a Facebook announcement in New York in this November 6, 2007 file photo. The online hangout is mining friends' buying habits, -all so advertisers can reach those most likely to buy with pitches most relevant to them, even as doing so means amassing more data on you.
The marketing plan that seemed innovative has been met with much criticism
November 29, 2007

Facebook pushed the boundaries of ad targeting when the online hangout presumed users would want the site to mine their Internet activity. And its retreat this week _ with the decision to make sure users agree first _ underscores the risks social-networking sites face in helping businesses employ...

Alum named California Educator of the Year

Biola alum Michael Long teaches fourth- and fifth-graders at Whittier's Carmela Elementary School.
November 29, 2007

In Room 5, cluster of fourth-grade students work diligently on their writing assignment at Carmela Elementary School in Whittier, Calif. The atmosphere is energetic considering it is 9:30 a.m., and the children show no signs of boredom with their group assignment. They even eagerly ask Mr. Long, their...