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A.S.: Senate Rundown

Senate Meeting: 10/09/07

At the AS Senate’s weekly Tuesday meetings senators give audience to parties requesting money, vote on pending proposals and discuss finances. Below is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held October 9.

NEW PROPOSALS (have yet to be voted on)

  1. AfterDark Chapel (Joel Garman, AfterDark Coordinator)—$500 i. They want to hold one AfterDark on the lawn and offer hot drinks and snacks to attendees. They’re planning on October 24 ii. $225 for drinks, $175 for food, $25 for luminaries, $75 for set-up
  2. Chapel Board—$3,500 or $15,000 i. $3,500 to bring in Phil Wickham or $15,000 for worship concert ii. The decision was put to the senate about which option they preferred.
  3. New Centennial Banners(Paul Guerrero, alumnus, and Pete Menjares, vice provost for diversity leadership)—$500 i. Problem of lack of diversity on centennial banners around campus. ii. Plan is to get more pictures that show how Biola has become a more racially diverse campus.

VOTING (on proposals from the previous week) **unless noted otherwise, all proposals passed in their full amount.

  1. Social Justice Ministry—Planning an event called “Broken Bread Poverty Meal”—$200 PASSED
  2. Yearbook Editor-in-Chief—Compensate staff for driving expenses—$100, PASSED
  3. Block Apartments’ “Christmas Cruise”—$850 (original proposal was $1,500), PASSED
  4. Sigma Improvements (Door stops, bulletin boards, DVD player)—$300, PASSED


  • AS President Jared Gibo talked about changing the AS constitution: change VP of Service position to VP of Marketing and Communication
  • Gibo believes the VP of Service is a very underutilized position and that it needs more definition: “Just a little restructuring of responsibilities,” Gibo said.

Minutes from each week’s senate meeting can be found on BUBBS in Conferences/ Sub Plaza/ Associated Student Gov’t/ Senate Minutes.

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