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Biola does cardio for a cure

Centennial committee organizes a team for American Heart Association
The crowd warms up before heading out to complete the three-mile walk.
The crowd warms up before heading out to complete the three-mile walk.
Photo courtesy of Photo by Sarah Trainor

Thousands – including a team from Biola — gathered at Exposition Park in LA today, taking a three mile walk that will benefit more than just their own heart health.

The Heart Walk event, hosted in support of the American Heart Association (AHA), drew participants from a number of businesses and organizations who donate to the organization.

Claudia Keller, executive director for the LA division of the AHA, said the walk served two purposes: first, to raise funds for heart research, and second, to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle. According to Keller, the AHA has raised over $1 million dollars through this event and various participating sponsors.

Among the crowd was a small group of Biola representatives, mostly members of Biola’s centennial celebrations committee.

The Biola contingent continued their support of the AHA, a partnership that began with the Red Line fashion show earlier this year. Much of the proceeds from the Red Line went to the AHA.

Brenda Velasco, manager of the centennial committee, explained that supporting the AHA was an intentional choice by her group.

“We were looking for an organization that we could partner with that related to our theme,” she said.

That theme resounded among the Biola crowd, as a few people chanted in unison, “Love you heart so you can live to be 100, like Biola.”

Velasco mentioned the color red had something to do with it as well, since both the AHA and Biola share the theme color.

During the event, Biola’s small group was getting more attention than one might expect in a crowd of thousands, likely because the signature Biola eagle mascot that accompanied them. The eagle posed for pictures with children, adults and even police officers, all that while holding a heart-shaped sign that read, “Love your heart.”

Heart Walk Web site:

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