Everyone needs to escape. In an age of screens, distraction and endless scrolling, the outdoors and physical activities are a thrilling break and a return to a simpler way of life. Many Biola students find solace in this through intramural sports.
Everyone comes to Biola with a different story – some from near and some from far, some know many and some know much fewer. Some don’t speak much English or know where the Caf is. Therefore everyone needs one other, and many new students have found community through playing sports with their peers in intramurals.
Daniel Shing, a Junior cinema media arts major, said that intramural sports “allowed me to bond with guys on [my] floor as a freshman” and that he “stayed with them every year in intramurals and on a floor with them.”
Shing has participated in basketball, soccer and flag football intramurals in his three years as a Biolan. He is one of the many students who have reaped the benefits of the weekly escape. He was a two sport athlete in high school, playing both basketball and soccer, and Shing was thrilled not to have to leave it all behind.
“It’s a good middle ground,” he said. “Not as big a commitment as a team or club, but you still get the fun of playing a sport.”
For many, sports are a huge part of life. Athletes spend hours every week honing their craft for years, and they come to depend on sports as a vital part of their mental and physical health and letting go of that is not easy.
Michael Duenes, a junior theology major, shared how intramurals have allowed him to continue his passion for basketball.
“Intramurals really help me continue my love of basketball that was established in middle and high school. Although I wasn’t able to continue at a competitive level, I am still able to have fun through intramural basketball,” Duenes said.
God created his children with great abilities and intended for them to enjoy and use these gifts to the fullest. Human bodies were not made for lethargy behind screens but for getting outside and enjoying what God made. Participating in sports with brothers and sisters in Christ is an incredible way to give God the glory and to fellowship with one another — Duenes believes this too.
“I just love being able to glorify the Lord through fun and competition,” Duenes said. “Sports and play are some essential ways the Lord shows us his character and passion, so having an organized way to do so on campus that is focused on exalting God while doing it is one of the best times I have had at Biola.”
From freshmen to seasoned athletes, every student has the need to escape the dreariness of daily life. While there are many ways to do that, one of the best is through physical activity and friendly competition as a community. At Biola, joyful escape can be found through playing intramural sports, where students can enjoy unique times of fellowship, activity and glorifying God together.