After 36 years, Tim Burton returns with a long-awaited sequel, reviving some of his most iconic characters in “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.” Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Catherine O’Hara and beloved Bob are reunited in the new film, along with Tim Burton’s recent go-to star for his eerie projects, Jenna Ortega.
Amidst the hauntingly inventive costumes, stunning set design and charming music, the film struggles at times with navigating what to add to its original and loved storyline. Biola Cinema and Media Arts 2023 alum Nicolas Bieber felt unsatisfied with the aging of the original Beetlejuice story that he’s appreciated over the years.
“[The part] about Winona’s character being a talk show host about ghosts and ghouls, and driving her Tesla around … I didn’t feel like I was watching the same Winona that I watched in [the original] Beetlejuice,” Bieber said.
Although the nostalgic aspect of it brings along a cozy feeling, especially right in time for fall, it lacks a satisfying execution of Burton’s many added plotlines and ideas. The often convenient and somewhat cliché dialogue tends to overshadow the beautiful sets and kooky characters that could have stolen the show.
Beneath Burton’s revival of the original film’s quirky humor and edgy performances lies a deeper theme of characters grappling with their search for a moral compass. In the beginning of the film, Lydia Deetz can be seen pressured by her surroundings and dismissing deeper connections in different areas of her life. She slowly begins to embrace the idea of the supernatural and afterlife, longing for authentic relationships and something beyond herself.
There could also be many conversations on resisting chaos and temptation, through the moments where Lydia is tasked with the decision of summoning Beetlejuice. Lydia sees Beetlejuice early on as a quick solution to her complex problem of saving her daughter, Astrid. However, as the story moves forward, we are reminded of Beetlejuice’s reckless and manipulative behavior, as well as the dangers he poses to her.
Lydia gains discernment throughout the storyline, eventually rejecting Beetlejuice despite his allure. She develops into a new Lydia, one who learns not all supernatural forces in her life are good-natured, and into someone who values genuine connections.
With its blend of quirky humor and visually pleasing elements, “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” not only entertains us — enough to watch until the end at least — but also urges us to question our connections that truly matter, even beyond the grave.