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Letter from the editor: Our renewed mission

Letter from the editor: Our renewed mission

Dear Biola,

I am honored to serve you as your 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chief of The Chimes. On behalf of our new staff, I announce our renewed mission.

I was always in awe with the way words could transform reality. Somehow they had the power to stir my soul and make me passionate about a topic, a cause, a belief. They had power — of course they did. That was how God brought the world into being, after all. That’s how I discovered I loved storytelling in seventh grade. And that’s why I’m here now at The Chimes.

Words are the tools of our craft and the foundation of creation. Like all tools, however, there are ways to use them incorrectly, when instead of bringing forth goodness they bring forth harm. It is only through love and wisdom that we can steward our words well. As Christians writing at The Chimes, a student newspaper based in a Christian university, this is part of our calling and our mission.

Last year was a rocky one for The Chimes. There were moments where we struggled to use our words with wisdom and maintain our Christian integrity.

This year, we are determined to change that.

We realized that words carry power far greater than we may think. So, like a suspension bridge stretching from one land to another, helping people to cross over, we look forward to serving you again this year as a channel to share your stories. Like a spring welling up in a dry land, we hope to refresh your spirit again with words of life. Like phoenixes rising, reborn from the ashes, we strive to renew ourselves and know once more how to glorify God.

To echo Christian Leonard in his letter as The Chimes Editor-in-Chief in 2018-2019, we will do everything in our power to serve you.

Here is our mission statement, updated to reflect the change we want to make:

The Chimes strives to seek truth first and foremost, to provide accurate information and to bring clarity and context to issues happening on campus and beyond. In doing so, we hope to encourage healthy discussion for all topics — all while recognizing God’s prevalent power and his presence in our lives.

And just like in 2018, we have significant changes to The Chimes, because — as Leonard said — “we know we can do better.” This is what we’re doing:

  • A website revamp. We gave our website a fresh coat of paint, for while we are students learning the ways of journalism, we know we can still strive for excellence and professionalism. We hope this update (still ongoing) reflects this desire well.
  • A new form of reporting on our Instagram. Our world is one steeped in digital media and social media platforms. We want to meet you there. If there’s breaking news, you’ll find out on our Instagram. We’ll follow up on our website. We’re taking on more ways we can share stories with you, whether that’s through reels, stories, posts and more.
  • Moving to a fully online news publication. Because we knew our legacy lies in a faithful print publication since 1937, this was not an easy decision to make. But we’ve realized the great work our sister publication, The Point, is doing, and we desire to shine even more light on their print magazines. We believe this is for the best, not just for The Chimes, but for our fellow student news media organizations. Just know that we’re not gone; we’re still here, this time fully on our website and social media.
  • A coming collaboration with the other student news media groups. As I’ve mentioned earlier, The Chimes isn’t the only student news media on Biola’s campus. We have The Point, The Torch, Eagle Vision and The Biolan. As an effort to celebrate our fellow student news media organizations, we want to expand and collaborate closely with them. Either way, look out for us on their platforms, whether that’s in print, in a podcast, or on a broadcast — and support us all wherever we are!

I want to personally thank you for the support through our brightest and darkest moments. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.

I humbly ask that you continue your support for The Chimes. Be with us as we carve this new path forward for ourselves. Things are changing and will continue to change, and we hope to have your encouragement to fuel us onward so that we can persist in glorifying God through good journalism and proper stewardship of words.

The wrongs of our past may loom in our shadow, but I and The Chimes staff of this year look forward eagerly to a better future.

I thank you once more for allowing us this privilege to serve you. Let us continue to tell your stories and edify the community with words of life.

— Patricia Yang, 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chief

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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About the Contributor
Patricia Yang
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief
Patricia Yang is a senior English major aspiring to be a novel writer. She loves drawing, playing her violin, and playing The Legend of Zelda — as well as talking about stories and characters for hours on end.
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