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SGA Rundown: Two final votes to close the semester

Senators decide to confirm the 1% each budget cut to SMB, SMU, SGA and Campus Engagement and next semester’s budget.
SGA Rundown: Two final votes to close the semester

The Student Government Association met for the last time on Thursday, closing the year with two votes.


 Senators deliberated on the proposed Memorandum of Understanding allocation and the offer from the Student Media Board of $14,000 in exchange for not cutting its percentage of the student fee by 1%. Off-Campus Community senator Jonan-Rohi Plueger moved to pass the proposed student fee cut and decline SMB’s offer and was seconded by Bluff senator Hailee Howard. Senators unanimously voted to pass the allocation.


Senators also reviewed the budget proposal for next semester. The total SGA budget for Fall 2020 is $79,761.50. After paying Student Enrichment and Intercultural Development and Global Student Programs & Development, the internal SGA budget will be $63,256.50. SGA’s contingency is $18,693.15. 

Compared to the budget at the beginning of Fall 2019, general expenses were cut by $2,950. General expenses include costs for the staff retreat (cut by $1500), staff parties (cut by $750), office expenses (cut by $300) and the staff picnic (cut entirely by $400). 

The SGA community relations budget was cut by $1,000 and the senate budget was also cut by $1,000 by removing the SGA community event. Howard moved to pass the proposal, seconded by Block senator Ryan St. Pierre. Senators unanimously voted to pass the proposal.


Senate concluded with the introduction of next semester’s administration. This year’s administration prayed over the incoming senate before leaving to allow the new senators to participate in a mock session led by incoming vice president Gretchen Ferguson.

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About the Contributor
Sophia Silvester
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer
Sophia Silvester is a freshman journalism major who enjoys meeting new dogs, drinking coffee and storytelling in all its forms. I’m a native Californian that was transplanted to Idaho for seven years where I learned I love snow but hate long winters. Now that I’m back, I’m thoroughly enjoying the sunshine, the beach, and living within ten minutes of In-n-Out. This year I am attempting to combat my fear of failure through jumping headfirst into new experiences like writing for The Chimes as I work towards figuring out what I want to do as a career. Through reporting for The Chimes, I have discovered a love for connecting readers to people from different lifestyles and cultures by telling their stories in a way that bridges gaps. I also love the opportunity to teach my readers about topics I am learning about through the wide variety of articles I get to cover.  When I’m not writing, you can find me reorganizing my dorm room for fun, reading books for Torrey, looking for dogs or researching new ways to make better coffee. 
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