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Biola Athletics kicks off inaugural “Week of Giving”

The event will culminate in the Cornerstone Cup on Feb. 1.
Biola Athletics kicks off inaugural “Week of Giving”
Photo courtesy of Courtesy of Biola Athletics

The Biola Athletics department began a new tradition called the “Athletics Week of Giving” this week. Starting on Jan. 27, the week-long event is meant to crowdsource funds for the various athletic programs in order to “[equip student athletes] with the resources they need to excel,” according to the athletics page.

“It’s a fundraising opportunity for a week for people to give to athletes and athletics,” said senior cross country runner Carissa Kalpakjian. “Things like improving our facilities and giving scholarships and things like that for athletes specifically.”


The fundraising will go through JustGiving website pages that correspond to each athletic program. These funds will go straight to each program and be used at the discretion of the coaches and those involved. Athletic Director Bethany Miller said teams will be able to put funds to both equipment and scholarships. 

“We are on the track team, it’s like the biggest team since we have both girls and guys, so they really want us to just spread the word and to tell our families,” said sophomore cross country runner McKenzie Elliott. “Since there are so many of us, we are hoping we can raise a good amount of money.”

Another part of the event is called the “Challenge Awards,” which are sponsored by West Coast Sand & Gravel. The top three money-raising programs for both men and women will receive an award of additional funds from WCSG. The awards for both the men’s and women’s side are $3,000 for first place, $1,500 for second place and $500 for third place.

The event will end with the Cornerstone Cup this Saturday. There will be a donation booth outside of Chase Gymnasium before the game so that fans can show more support for the program of their choice.

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About the Contributors
Zachary Devane
Zachary Devane, Deputy Sports Editor
Zach Devane is a sophomore journalism major from Indio, California. He loves Jesus, the Los Angeles Lakers and will eat chicken in almost any form. Hi! I am from Indio, California, home of the famous Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. I know it sounds like a dream come true to live so close to where all the excitement and chatter takes place, but I assure you that hundreds of thousands of people flooding your hometown for three weeks straight is more like a nightmare. Fun fact, I have lived in Indio for 17 of my 20 years of life and I have only been to Coachella once.  The people I look up to most in my life are my parents. My father grew up playing basketball in Los Angeles and ever since I was a little kid he wanted to make sure that I would be a “BALLER!” (which he also called himself very often, and was just as often met with an eye-roll from my mother).  Although I never made it to the NBA, my love for basketball, and sports in general, has never waned. I get excited to watch a game, hear sports talk on the radio, or even read/write an article about sports, even if I am a NARP. I decided to combine my love for sports with a love for storytelling here at the Chimes. Sports in their nature are inspiring. They call for one to go beyond what they think is possible in order to achieve a goal, and when one does so, that story should be heard.  I want to tell these stories here at Biola and hopefully inspire a generation of students to reach for more.
Ashley Grams
Ashley Grams, Deputy News Editor
Ashley is a sophomore broadcast journalism major and Spanish minor who dreams of working for ESPN. She loves the Seattle Seahawks, watching “Friends” and telling stories. Hi there! My name is Ashley Grams and I grew up in a small town north of Seattle –– it is so far north that many people resort to saying we live in Canada. Every weekend I watched sports with my dad, especially the Seattle Seahawks. Thursday, Sunday or Monday night, it didn’t matter when they were on, my dad and I were glued to the TV. My love of sports started at a young age and translated into my teen years as I found myself following in the footsteps of Erin Andrews and other broadcasters. Sports journalism became my dream and I moved to Biola University, near Los Angeles, to pursue it. As a sophomore broadcast journalism major and Spanish minor, I am excited to continue writing for the Chimes as a sports staff writer. I enjoy the challenge of communicating effectively with a joyful heart, not to mention watching tons of games on campus! Outside of the Chimes you might find me playing intramural sports, watching “Friends” or eating gluten-free food.   
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