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SGA Rundown: Senators receive CPR training and consider proposals

Senators attend a CPR training by Campus Safety and consider proposals for a puppy patch and next semester’s budget.
SGA Rundown: Senators receive CPR training and consider proposals

This week the Student Government Association received CPR training from Campus Safety first aid and CPR instructors. The senators also voted on a proposal to host a puppy patch during finals week and to approve the SGA budget for the fall 2019 semester.

During the meeting, senators watched a presentation that outlined critical steps in CPR, such as checking responsiveness, calling 911, assessing the patient and administering compression and breathing. After the presentation, Campus Safety corporal Aaron Zapata demonstrated CPR on a CPR mannequin. Proceeding the demonstration, senators partnered up to practice administering CPR on their own mannequins.


During the presentation, the first aid and CPR instructors outlined the steps to administer CPR to a patient. Zapata led the presentation with the aid of Campus Safety corporal Scott Eckes and office manager Diane Alvarado.

First, Zapata instructed the senators on assessing the safety of a scene. Following the assessment, he explained the importance of checking for responsiveness. The next step, according to Zapata, is opening the airway by tilting the patient’s head and chin. They also stated the importance of scanning the body for bleeding to assess if there are any life-threatening injuries, and checking the carotid artery for a pulse.

The instructors recommended delegating responsibilities to those trained in administering CPR—giving either the responsibility of compressions or breathing. After completing these steps, the instructors directed the senators on how to administer CPR and rescue breaths.

After the presentation, the instructors gave a scenario to the senators to allow them to practice administering CPR to mannequins. The scenario included checking if the patient was not breathing or had no pulse, then administering rescue breaths when a faint pulse was detected in the scenario.

Upon completing their response to the scenario, Zapata led the senators in a debrief to determine what went well. Vice president of community relations Katy Hendricks said that one of the difficulties she faced in administering CPR was the chaos of the scenario, which hindered her ability to communicate with her partner.


Off-Campus Community senator Jordan Wright proposed hosting a Puppy Patch at the total cost of $995, allowing students to take a break during finals week to pet puppies in order to relieve stress. The proposal passed in full, 9-0-2. Additionally, vice president of finance, technology and human resources Nathan Carmack’s proposal to approve the budget for the fall 2019 semester passed in full, 10-0-1.

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About the Contributor
Amanda Frese
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor
Amanda Frese is a senior journalism major who sends too many exclamation points in all of her texts and loves to make coffee. [email protected] Studying journalism at Biola University has given me so many opportunities — I don’t even know where to start. I took classes on magazine writing and public affairs reporting. I interned at the Borgen Project, Pan de Vida and H3R Magazine. I studied in Quito, Ecuador for a semester. I learned about my voice not only as a journalist, but as a person, and how to connect with people.  As a senior this year, looking back at my experience at Biola, I remember writing my first article for The Chimes. Thinking that my article was perfect, I submitted it and soon received copious edits from the editors who published it. The Chimes, since my first article, has taught me the importance of growing, adapting and learning from every experience. Whether it is my relationships with my roommates and friends, travelling to a place that feels unfamiliar or interviewing someone for an article, the Chimes taught me the importance of entering into these opportunities with a desire to learn.   This year I am excited to be the managing editor for the Chimes. I look forward to continuing to grow as I serve the Chimes staff and the Biola community in this position.
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